you get to move one npc onto your island permanently, who do you choose?

you get to move one npc onto your island permanently, who do you choose?

  • celeste

  • daisy mae

  • k.k. slider

  • pascal

  • gulliver/gullivarrr

  • wisp

  • c.j.

  • flick

  • redd

  • gracie grace

  • label/labelle

  • leif

  • kicks

  • other: post who if you want!

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I know you said that Isabelle doesn't count, but I've been thinking long and hard on this and I would love it if I could just move Isabelle in as a resident and have somebody else take over being Nook's assistant. Or get a real mayor in the town hall.

I guess if I really had to pick someone else, I wouldn't mind Lottie. I always loved designing her home in HHA and she had the best wallpaper and flooring, Plus I really want her wig with the little polkadot ribbon to come back only make the hair match your hair color this time.
I pick Redd, so I can actually finally meet him...

If he has never shown up to your island, it's because you haven't donated enough items to the museum. Once the museum is ready to upgrade, Blathers will mention art, and Redd will arrive the very next day.
If he has never shown up to your island, it's because you haven't donated enough items to the museum. Once the museum is ready to upgrade, Blathers will mention art, and Redd will arrive the very next day.
Haha Just a joke 😂 I have met him a few times, he's just so rare.
Celeste bec I love her she’s super cute and she excites me, like I get excited whenever she’s in my island. I just don’t feel that way about the other NPCs visiting. I also like Pascal too, he’s cool.