You off school yet?

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Kid Icarus said:
I still got 2 days but one of them we are having a BBQ
We had a BBQ last week (Just my class no-one else, heck, me and ten other people got to go so half of my class.), when it was BAKING HOT!!
We're still at school until next Wednesday, we'll be leaving an hour early and on Monday it's Sports Day, so no lessons all day (And this year my House is gonna win, we only need one hundred points, which will be easy to get.) and on Tuesday all we're gonna do is nothing, 'cos the last two days we do nothing.

Oh and we go back on September 3rd, we only have around 6 weeks of freedom, but then I guess it means we get a longer and better education than in other schools.
If you don't have state exams you get out in the end of May.

I did, though, so I got off the 24th of June =[

I'm back on like, the 3rd September of something.
Lol what? I've been off of school since late May. I can't believe that people are still going this late. My school starts back in 3 weeks.
Schnookumnookum said:
Lol what? I've been off of school since late May. I can't believe that people are still going this late. My school starts back in 3 weeks.
It's called different countries :p

Whereas you go back in 3 weeks, for the people in the UK who haven't started their summer holidays yet, they have 3 weeks off after you go back.

I always preferred the UK way of the summer when I was at school... get the hot weather out of the way before you had to go back.
Jas0n said:
Schnookumnookum said:
Lol what? I've been off of school since late May. I can't believe that people are still going this late. My school starts back in 3 weeks.
It's called different countries :p

Whereas you go back in 3 weeks, for the people in the UK who haven't started their summer holidays yet, they have 3 weeks off after you go back.

I always preferred the UK way of the summer when I was at school... get the hot weather out of the way before you had to go back.
So you only get about 6 weeks off?
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