Your Favorite Cranky Villager?

My favorite villager is Rolf! He has the perfect cranky villager appearance with those angry eyes, but still manages to look cool and cute at the same time, especially when blushing in embarrassment. Rolf was one of my first villagers ever, and he's always been like my cool big brother. The other villagers seem to look up to him as well in my current town, especially Broccolo. I always see Broccolo changing his shirt to be the same as Rolf's, and copying his catchphrases. I love that Rolf tries to look and act cool, scary and mature, but is just a big ol' softy and also is happy to participate in all the same fun activities as the others, like playing dress up on Halloween, or getting excited for Toy Day festivities. I love Rolf so much and I'll always have him in my towns, no matter what!

Also, I don't know if he really fits in with an Alice and Wonderland theme, but Rolf is definitely not a 'dark' colored or themed villager. He's a white tiger with nice complementary blue default clothing, plus his home theme is a beautiful outdoors camp theme.
crankies are my favorite type of villager, i just love them so much. yeah they aren't really cranky now, but i love just the way they talk, and i adore when i see a cranky singing

now i have kabuki as a permanent resident of sleeptime, but my favorite has to be dobie!! i dont know what it is about him but i love him so much, i was so sad when he asked to leave and i let him go
Frank! He moved in on his own, and so wasn't someone I would have chosen, but he's stolen our hearts as the resident cranky man.
Rooney is my personal favorite...but Roscoe is growing on me.

I used to study Lewis Carroll, so I'd urge you to do some research as there are far too many options to list here if you're going for a Wonderland themed island. In terms of Cranky villagers, off the top of my head:

Del (How doth the little crocodile)
Tom/Kabuki (Cheshire Cat)
Knox (one of the jurors at Alice's trial is a chicken)
Buzz/Avery/Frank (there is an eagle at the Caucus Race)
Gruff (a goat is a passenger on the train with Alice and The White Knight)
Elvis (this is a really good pick, in TTLG 'The Lion and the Unicorn' have a'd need Julian too contextually)
Rizzo (while cranky, there are better options for a Dormouse).

Hope that gives you some ideas..
No one mentioned Chief!!!! He's my favourite villager by far and he is a cranky. I had him in WW and NL so I had to continue the tradition on NH. I love that he is like an artist in NH and I have decorated the outside of his house with orange flowers and a painting set, low seat and magazine. Not really fitting to an Alice in Wonderland theme though....
Cesar is my favorite villager period. Love him to death! Rocco is a close second tho.

Oof, I love the crankies so much.

My favourite boy is Wolfgang. He will always be my favourite cranky. I had him in New Leaf, and I have him on island currently even though he doesn't match my theme at all which is fairycore. I don't care though. Much like Alfonso, he has to be on my island because I love him too much.

If I ever was to replace Wolfgang with a cranky that fit my theme a little better, I would choose Fang. He is adorable.

Dobie has also recently grown on me alot. I would love to have him on my island someday. He's an adorable little grandpa wolf. :3

I also love Butch. I think hes a cutie and reminds me of a dog one of my childhood friends used to have. For that reason, he's got a special place in my heart. I did have him on my island briefly, but ended up kicking him. Luckily, I have his amiibo card though. XD
Dobie! I love his aesthetic, and his room. He's like a secret agent, with tons of stories. I love his eyes, and his expressions. I would love to just listen to him tell stories
while i’m not the biggest fan of cranky villagers (design-wise), my favourite absolutely has to be dobie! i had him on my island for a few months and i loved having him around; his design is wonderful and i honestly really related to him constantly complaining that his body aches ;p. i don’t choose villagers based off of my theme but considering my theme is more on the vibrant side, he didn’t match 100% but that’s never mattered to me. 🧡

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I love Kabuki and also have been considering getting Wolfgang. Kabuki fits my island theme more, though. I have to choose between having Kabuki + Audie or Wolfgang and Bunnie and it's so hard...
Dobie is probably my favorite cranky villager. He looks like an old man, which makes his personality that much more fitting. His house is author themed which I think would be nice for an Alice in Wonderland themed island. He could represent the author.
Rasher would have to be my favourite with Frank and Ike as close runner ups. But I honestly don't think there is one cranky villager I don't love. For an Alice In Wonderland theme I'd probably say Tom would be a great fit for the Cheshire Cat or even Gaston for the March Hare.
Cyrano. He was tied as my favorite villager from Wild World until New Horizons. I have him again in New Horizons and he's great.
Dobie is my no. 1 villager of all time, so of course he is also my favourite cranky too! I was so happy when I got him to move to my town in ACNL,,

I love my boy Kabuki too though, he's a worthy cranky villager for my island in ACNH.
In New Horizons, so far I've had Buzz and Butch, and I liked them both but cycled them out eventually. I really like Static's design, so I got his amiibo and plan on cycling him in at some point.