Your favorite way to relax?

I like to get into my comfies and snuggle up in my bed either playing video games, binge watching a show, or just taking a nap.
I like to relax getting cozy at my computer usually with a blanket watching youtube videos and either playing games or drawing
Walking in the forest or going to the sea, playing to Animal Crossing, doing puzzles listening to rain.
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There are lots of things I find relaxing. I enjoy reading, watching TV or anime, playing video games, taking a hot shower, or lately I've taken up doing crossword puzzles too. I also love nature and being anywhere away from people, surrounded by the calm and peace of nature is very relaxing.

Your signature look very relaxing, I would go there. (it looks like home actually :))
I’m an indoor cat, & love to relax just lounging on the couch or bed either watching tv or playing games.
Lately I've been using a bunch of eye steam masks, they're really relaxing and help me prepare for my battles with insomnia 🤣
Other things includes watching pretty lights, listening to rain sounds or music box covers, maybe eat a candy, very rarely take a bath. I love how calm I am after a bath but I don't like having to fill the bathtub or waiting in said bathtub.
Either playing video games, reading, or listening to music while sipping tea and puffing on my vape. Bonus if it's relaxing weather too, like rain or whatnot.
A hot bath, with a nice drink and music.

Bonus if I have any bubble bath or bath bombs in.
going outside for a walk and gaming (if it's not possible to go outside due to the weather).
Hmmm, I love all of the above. Drinking tea, playing video games, playing video games, playing video games….wait! What? I got stuck in a loop, sorry! lol.
Hmmm, I love all of the above. Drinking tea, playing video games, playing video games, playing video games….wait! What? I got stuck in a loop, sorry! lol.
Hold on, I can't believe the coincidence here, but I also relax with video games...

Sometimes also with video games.
I'm always relaxed anyway, but I'm down for whatever. I'll watch TV, meet up with friends, scroll through the internet, mayyyyybe play a video game occasionally. I'm cool with everything.
I play a video game occasionally or watch anime, but mainly I’ll just browse the forums.