I feel bad for you. I got Ken as my first camper and he's a good chicken, but from other people seem to have gotten really unlucky. Let me know if you need any pitfallshans was my forced camper in my first island and i HATED him. i acknowledge his design is technically pretty good but i DO NOT LIKE the gorillas and he seemed determined to cause problems...like not leaving my campsite after ignoring him for days (before i found out u had to take the first camper) from new leaf i had hippeux,,,he moved directly in front of my house and took literal in game months to leave i hated himmmm
I feel bad for you. I got Ken as my first camper and he's a good chicken, but from other people seem to have gotten really unlucky. Let me know if you need any pitfalls![]()
For me I kinda hate Samson. Not that I don’t hate him he’s not ugly I just don’t think his personality fits for a mouse.So this is my story with Monty. Also this may seem kinda harsh, but lemme just say it. Sorry if you like Monty but I hate him! He caused so much trouble in 3 days! (in my new leaf town) First, he made fang mad twice! Luckily he made Monty sad right after. Then he nearly made Bunnie leave! I beat him with my net so many times. Luckily he left back on July 12th. So who's your most hated villager? This can be any game.