Zenless Zone Zero

Here's the cutscene from the latest story by the way! Forgot to share this earlier. I really loved the big event for this game, and can't wait for future events to come.

I also have two ten pulls saved now for Evelyn, and can't wait to pull her. Hope everyone's enjoying this game! < 3​

I randomly pulled Red Moccus today, the Sons of Calydon's Bangboo, with around 70 pity still left to go on the Bangboo banner, and I am BEYOND thrilled. I also have 4 10-pulls saved for Evelyn now, which is great considering I'm guaranteed for her, but don't have any pity built up yet. I've also started pre-farming for Evelyn as well. 💚

The agent combat intel showcase for the upcoming character, Evelyn, is out now! I'm currently closer to hard pity and should be able to outright obtain her guaranteed by the time her banner drops, and I can't WAIT. 🤩


Also ended up pulling ANOTHER early pity Bangboo, Rocketboo this time. I'm really on fire lately with the Bangboo pulls, haha. 🔥

The character demo for Evelyn is out NOW! I've saved up a good amount of pulls and only need around 10-15 more to hit hard pity guaranteed for her. Can't wait! 🤩

The official Evelyn EP is out now! I'm up to 34 pulls saved for her and only need around 6 more to hit hard pity, which I can get from dailies and pulling itself. Can't wait for her to release! 🥳
YESSSS, I successfully pulled Evelyn and her W-Engine!



I've already maxed her weapon, herself, and given her drive discs I pre-farmed, so now I really just have to work on her skills. I'd also like to re-farm her drive discs a bit for more cdmg, but for now I'm really happy with these stats on her. 🥳


I spent a bit of time earlier minmaxing Evelyn's crit ratio, and NOW it looks much better. *chef's kiss*​
I just started this after deciding Genshin Impact wasn't for me and I'm liking it much better!
I'm having a lot of fun with it and am liking the combat. Not sure if I'm gonna go for all the gachas, but will most likely just focus on my main campaign and any stories I'm able to do.

Anything I should look out for or focus on?
I just started this after deciding Genshin Impact wasn't for me and I'm liking it much better!
I'm having a lot of fun with it and am liking the combat. Not sure if I'm gonna go for all the gachas, but will most likely just focus on my main campaign and any stories I'm able to do.

Anything I should look out for or focus on?

Glad that you've decided to try it! My brain is not braining right now since I'm tired, but generally I don't think there's too many watch areas in this game. The combat is fun and the characters are great. The story is kind of up and down, but latest story has all been really good. I think one of the only things I'd call out is once you unlock the music store you should start trying to farm drive discs for your chars, but that's basically the same thing as artifacts in Genshin.

I really enjoy the trust events in this game and dialogue, there is a LOT of humor in this game that can be found if you just read the dialogue. It's honestly great. Not to mention the game is visually appealing as well, although a bit cartoon-like.

The roles in this game are kind of different from the other gachas. Anomaly chars are somewhat better than Attack in general as of now, although both are decent depending on who it is. Stun characters are really great because they help you stun Ethereals faster for quicker kill time. Dodging and countering in this game actually feels fluid and there's more to battles in this game than just hitting x, y, and z in Genshin to do elemental reactions. The supports in this game are really good too, I think my favorite (character) so far is Caesar King.

Hope you enjoy everything ZZZ has to offer! I'll come back here and post again later if I think of more things you should know, but generally you'll find out a lot from just playing the game itself.
Update! I successfully reached Inter-Knot level 59 today in this game, which means I am now one level away from being max level in BOTH Genshin Impact, Honkai Star Rail, Zenless Zone Zero, AND Wuthering Waves! 🥳


I also decided to crown Evelyn's skills since I had a good amount of Hamster Cage Passes, and I don't plan on getting cons for her. She's doing good damage for me in hollows because of it.


Lastly, I ended up getting to hard pity on standard and pulled the unit I wanted the most, cinema 4 for Alexandrina! I'm super happy about this as she's on my Electrify team, and I love using her in battle. : D


Hope everyone's continuing to enjoy this game, and looking forward to Anby and Trigger in the next patch! < 3​
Things been kinda quiet lately, but just here to report I ended up pulling the Amillion Bangboo in the game and also full-cleared the Simulated Battle Tower: Last Stand through floor 100! 🥳



Zenless Zone Zero Version 1.6 Special Program was today!
The Redemption Code can be redeemed through the HOYOLAB app, or.. it's SOLDIER0ANBY, for any of those who don't use the app ^^

Any thoughts on the banners, events, the program overall? :0
Personally.. y'all know I LOVE BURNICE. She's finally getting a rerun, I'M SO EXCITED!!!
I'm really intrigued by Trigger, too. And I want Zhu Yuan as well.. ugh.. Time to dig out my wallet xD

I'm still trying to get Evelyn, but I know I'm pushing it right now. I have 24 pulls left 'til an S rank.. and even if I want Evelyn really bad.. I know I should pour all my energy into saving for Burnice, Zhu Yuan, and.. Trigger T^T
But.. Evelyn.. pretty. I made @Mokuren start playing too. hehe.. hehehehe..

Anyways. I really enjoyed the program. Despite it being 7am, I SCREAMED when they announced Burnice's rerun!​

The teaser for the next version of the game is out.

Personally I'm pretty uninterested in the banners this version. I may pull for Trigger because off-field stun sounds based as heck, but aside from that I'll just be saving my pulls. I'm still progressing towards Inter-Knot level 60 at the moment anyway, and I don't have a real need for any of the characters this upcoming version aside from maybe Trigger.

Hope everyone enjoys this new update! < 3​