Selling 36 tickets, 27 throwback tickets, crystal tree, rafflesia, coal

Hey there. I'd sell an oarfish body for 1.2k. Both of mine are dated August 31, 2021 (I think all of them are that date..?). Let me know if you'd like a message :)
i'm blind i just went thru my inventory and saw i had some from dec 13/14 2019 if those dates work for u :>
oo I would but I just checked the prices of shamrocks and they are lower than 300, so if you are willing to sell for 200 I'll take whichever 2019 shamrock you would be happy to spare.
Would you be interested in a moon ball for 20 egg currency?

Or some combination of collectibles in my thread?
well I'm only looking to sell either a 20 or 16 currency egg, and for 20 I was thinking 9k and 16 egg for 7k? I also saw you have art for offer so I am interested in that too!! please send me a DM if interested 💓
oh Waughhh yes I am very interested! I will send you a dm in a bit !!!!!
How much are you selling the 4 eggs for? I can do a party animals currency trade or pay TBT!