Selling 36 tickets, 27 throwback tickets, crystal tree, rafflesia, coal

someone can correct me if I'm wrong, but I genuinely don't remember spring shamrocks getting any form of rerelease last year
there was for a st patricks raffle, heres the link:

there was for a st patricks raffle, heres the link:

somehow, I even checked the bulletin board and still managed to miss this

in that case, best of luck in finding one of them!
hi! how much would you want for 12 throwback tickets :0

interested in 12 throwback tickets as well!

im not sure how much they are going for, but around 750tbt for 12 sounds fair, considering star frags, feathers and crystals get sold around that price :)

oh man im so sorry i didnt see this! if you are still interested i am happy to do 35 per ticket? if thats okay with you?
that would be great! i'd like to buy 12 tickets for 420 tbt then :^D i'd like a caustic crystal
that would be great! i'd like to buy 12 tickets for 420 tbt then :^D i'd like a caustic crystal View attachment 583270
yes sure! which message would you like?

hi! if you have 12 throwback tickets left after you trade with lieryl, I'd love to buy a blue star frag from you for 420 tbt (35 tbt per ticket)! :'>
yeah sounds good! any message?