A Million Dollars, BUT

I’ll take it.

A million dollars, but you have to watch all of the Alvin and the Chipmunk movies in Spanish on repeat for a year, with breaks only for eating and sleeping.
I don't know if I can survive that, so I'll pass.

A million dollars, but you have to read and finish at least one book every day for a full year (the books have to be a hundred pages or more).
I'll take it! I read books now anyway.

One Million dollars, but you can't spend any of it on you, your family, or your friends.
I guess I'm donating my one million dollars to LGBT/Mental Health Centers.

One million dollars, but you have to go 6 months without being able to listen to music.
It would be hard, but I'd probably take it.

A million dollars, but everything electronic that you touch stops working permanently.
I'll accept. I get a million dollars, and I get some time to myself.

You get a million dollars but the money is taken from charities.
No thanks.

A million dollars, but you have to jump through an endless portal, and you can’t escape until one week has passed.
Okay. I get some time to myself.

You get a million dollars but one of the dollars comes with a disease and you have to choose which one to take out.
Sure! I could make profit from opening a business that cleans while also flexing money for the person who hires me-

A million dollars, but anything you buy with it, you must also give away one personal belonging.
Alright, sure. I'll just give away things that aren't very important to me.

A million dollars, but you must eat at McDonald's every day for one year.
I would. As much as that isn't ideal, since you didn't say I had to eat it at every meal, I'd just make sure my other two meals were very healthy to balance it out. If I did have to eat it for every meal, I'd still go for the million and just try to research what the absolute healthiest options were.

A million dollars, but you can't use any form of lotion or moisturizer for a year and have to live in a very dry climate.
That's brutal. That'd probably age me 10 years and im too vain for that ****. PASS

A million dollars, but you lose 2 random senses
That’s fine. I’ll take it.

A million dollars, but you have to survive without sleep for a week.
That's gonna be hard, but makeable.

A million dollars, but you have to live together a whole year with your worst enemy (or alternative a
person you don't like/hate with passion)
I’ll take it.

A million dollars, but you have to survive the “Hunter Exam” of Hunter x Hunter without dying or being disqualified.
What is the "hunter exam"? In that case no.
1 mil but you you cant watch youtube for a year
Sure, I don’t like Youtube anyway. I’ll take it.

A million dollars, but you have to do jumping jacks a million times without a break to earn it.