A Million Dollars, BUT

Uum yes can't punch what you don't have brother

1 mil but you sneeze for every dollar you spend
Germaphobic here, so no.

1 million, but you lose all of the money the next day. (And you don't even get a chance to spend any of it)
Eh, sure. It’s not as bad as the conditions posted by others in this thread. At least I’ll get to look at it for a bit, LMAO

A million dollars, but you go into a coma for 40 years.
Not worth it. I'm 19 now, so in 40 years I'll be 59. I'd lose so much of my life to live, and plus, since I'd be unable to work, I wouldn't be able to start collecting Social Security checks, which you start collecting not long after you're 59 (usually when you're in your 60s).

A million dollars, but you must move to North Korea and live there for the next ten years.
Not worth it.

A million dollars, but you have to spend it all at a dollar store.
Yeah, sure! I'll take it, I love dollar store things! :D

A million dollars, but you have a false felony record that is permanent and can never go away, no matter how hard you try.
I'd take it. It'd make it extremely difficult to get housing or a job under most circumstances, but I'm rich, I can just bribe my way to even greater success.

A million dollars, but...you have to live in a tent for the rest of your life.
Sure, why not. I already know a lot about camping and hiking.

A million dollars, but you have to survive in the wild for a year on your own and no help from outsiders.
hmmm no.
1 million dollars but you can only spend on one million dollar item
Sure. I can sell that and have a million dollars that I can spend on anything I want. And even if that is against the rules, I can still get a free 1 million dollar item.

A million dollars but you are a million dollars in debt afterwards.
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It's OK. I'll use the million dollars to buy 1 million one dolar water bottles, then sell them to 2 dollars each. With the 2 million dollars I'd buy 1 million toothbrushes and sell them back for 6 dollars each. With the 6 million dollars I just bought, I'd pay off the debt and still have 5 million. With that I'd buy a French ch?teau and still have 3 million back. With that I'd start my own hotel brand and go rich.

You can have a million dollars but you would have to live on Antarctica for the next 5 years, without being able to see your family un those years.
I can use those dollars to provide myself with a shelter and survival kits so I can live the next 5 years in Antarctica.

A million Dollars, but you must give up your most favorite hobby.
Sorry, but that would kill me. Gonna have to deny.

You get a million dollars but only in pennies.
Sure, I can be that old gramps at the supermarket who goes in with a whole bag of pennies and takes them out one by one to pay for something. The customers behind me may not like me at all for having to wait so long, but hey, it’s not like they have a million dollars. :lemon:

A million dollars but you have to eat nothing but oranges for the rest of your life.
That's already a dream of mine. Win-win situation.

A million dollars but each one has a different mysterious stain and smells horrid.
Meh, I'd take it.

A million dollars, but all of your Animal Crossing games will automatically crash whenever you try to start them for the rest of your life. This also applies if you try to play a friend's game.
I'm not THAT addicted to animal crossing. I'd be fine with that if it were for 50,000 dollars.

You get a million dollars but one close family member dies.
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No thanks.

A million dollars, but you have to eat all of it instead of buying anything with it.
Free food! Just kidding.. Not gonna accept.

You get a million dollars but its actually just a piece of paper that says "a million dollars" on it.