• Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

A Million Dollars, BUT

I’ll take it.

A million dollars, but you have to live with a disease for the rest of your life.
sure, at least I don't have to worry about money for medicine

a million dollars, but your 2 years old again, mentally and physically.
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Absolutely not.

$1,000,000 but no more Spongebob Squarepants FOREVERRRRR!
Oh maaann I guess I would, as long as I can still quote it!

$1,000,000 but you have to jump in icy water (you can get out immediately after and you don't end up with hypothermia/a warm blanket is waiting)
Eh, I'd take it. It would be an experience, for sure!

A million dollars, but you must go in a time machine back to the American Civil War and fight in one of the battles.
Eh, I'd take it. It would be an experience, for sure!

A million dollars, but you must go in a time machine back to the American Civil War and fight in one of the battles.

Nah, too much death risk.

A million dollars, but you have to live homeless for 7 years first.
hell nah, being homeless can be dangerous and with my luck i’d die on the streets before getting to spend the money lol.

a million dollars but you can’t spend any of it on yoursef
Sure thing, I’ll take the money.

A million dollars, but you have to go through heartbreak a hundred times.
sure, i can be heartbroken in a lamborghini lmao

a million dollars but you can never listen to music again

A million dollars but you have to spend 10 years in prison first?
I'd probably forget what I wanted to spend my million dollars on if I were in prison for 10 years, so no

A million dollars but you have to spend it only buying groceries, nothing else

A million dollars but you have to split it half between your worst rival
i mean that’s still $500,000 so ofc.

a million dollars but you can only spend it on things that you don’t like
Oof! That’s not too bad though, I could buy some gifts for friends and/or buy things I don’t like and then resell them to make the money back. I could even invest it in a house I don’t like. Either way it’s free money that I can use to my advantage somehow so I’ll take it.

A million dollars but you have to take public transport everywhere! No car driving or being a passenger allowed for you
No. I literally couldn’t get by without a car where I live. Plus I love to drive.

A million dollars but the only food you can ever eat again is salad?
Well it depends. Is it a salad that you can put toppings on? If so, then yes. But if it's just straight up lettuce leaves then I'll prob end up having to go on a liquid diet lol

A million dollars BUT every Super Mario game replaces Mario/Luigi with Wario/Waluigi?
(I personally see this as an absolute win)
Sure, I wouldn't mind that.

A million dollars but you can only eat foods you dislike?
Dang it, lol. That would be on the annoying side.

A million dollars but you have to live in a mountain home for a year alone.
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