A Million Dollars, BUT

No, I can't! I love sweets too much...

A million dollars but you forget the past year completely
It's already not normal... Sure.

A million dollars but you get stuck inside a video game.
No, honestly i would be too obsessed with not running out of money at that point.

Million Dollars, but every time you put on socks, they're wet.
Not worth it!

1 million dollars but you will be confined to your state within your country for the rest of your life
I can’t do it. I don’t want to live in a box for the rest of my life. I want to go out and actually see other places in the world. LOL

A million dollars, but you feel fatigued all the time.
No thanks.

A million dollars but you constantly get these feelings that you aren't alone when you are.
Uh, sure. I can't imagine going to one in the near future since I haven't in the past several years...

A million dollars, but you can't have friends.
Please no.

A million dollars, but you have to adopt a strange pet that consumes money.
hmm I'll say yes just because I love pets and don't all pets consume some amount of money lol

A million Dollars, but you can only eat breakfast foods for the rest of your life.