A Million Dollars, BUT

haha nope 😂 I would've lasted longer in The Matrix, I'd most likely be eaten five minutes into Jaws

1 million but you have to ask at least one stranger a day if they are Zipper T Bunny
u mean do what i do everyday?
i'm jk, but i'd totally do that for free lol

1m but u can never eat biscuits again
Done! Can't even remember when was the last time that I ate a biscuit

A million dollars but you can't brush your teeth for an entire decade.
yeah I'll take that, I've always lived with pets and love them so I'm sure that I'll have a lot during my lifetime, handy to have the million and get them essentially for free :giggle:

1 million but everything you eat you have to fish for, catch or grow yourself
whaaat?? i'm eating biscuits rn lol

Oh, never mind. It seems as if you were referring to cookies/crackers (since your profile says that you are from the UK, and biscuits over there are probably not those soft, puffy pieces of bread I initially had in mind). If so, then I actually do consume those a bit more frequently. But despite that, I would still take the 1 million as I do think I could live without eating them ever again.

Sure! I've been wanting to learn how to become self-sufficient for a few years now anyway.

A million dollars but you can only use the internet once a year (for 24 hours).
Oh, never mind. It seems as if you were referring to cookies/crackers (since your profile says that you are from the UK, and biscuits over there are probably not those soft, puffy pieces of bread I initially had in mind). If so, then I actually do consume those a bit more frequently. But despite that, I would still take the 1 million as I do think I could live without eating them ever again.

Sure! I've been wanting to learn how to become self-sufficient for a few years now anyway.

A million dollars but you can only use the internet once a year (for 24 hours).
sorry, i didn't realise they had different names 😅

also i hate to admit it but i can't do that, i'd have to leave the 1m

1m but u have to start school again
Money won't make me go back to that torture.

A million dollars but you can only spend it on charity.
of course! i'd love to be able to give money to charity
i'm too poor atm lol

1m but u have hiccups forever
No. I'm pretty sure having them for too long can kill a person???

A million dollars but you are forced to try something new that you do not like.
ooooh i love snow, but maybe not year round. i would miss gardening and birds and flowers and all that. <:3

1m, but you have to destroy one of your personal possessions a day
oof idk, probably not because i could go and buy the stuff i break but i own a lot of things that aren't being made anymore 😅

1m but u have to carry a frog on ur head until u finished spending it
I suppose I could manage that, I'll just pretend I'm trying to recreate the Princess and the Frog film and then spend the million really quickly (and probably very unwisely 😂) so I don't have to keep the frog too long

1 million but you forever have that annoying tickle in your nose where it feels like you need to sneeze but it never comes
uhh lmao idk if i could go foreverrr with that tickle so I guess no 😞

1 million but every time you talk you say the opposite of what you want to say with no control over it
yup but i guess i'll just have to say the opposite of what i was originally gonna say on purpose so i will say what i actually mean haha

1m but u can never go on the internet again
NOPE! like the jonas brothers once said
"music's in my soul" gotta stay true to those words of wisdom 😂

1m but u can never pet a dog again