A Million Dollars, BUT

i feel like this is targeted at me 👀
but yeah sure, i'd take the 1m

1m but pokemon doesn't exist
so no more pokemon games, movies or shows

A million dollars but for every half hour that passes you have to say "six, short, shaved sheeps shivered sheepishly. Shalom shalom!" 8 times in a row (and as fast as you can).
no can do, my mum hates that saying because she has a racist uncle, who happens to be called bob so me and my siblings aren't allowed to say it ever and i'd probably get thrown out the house if i said it with every step 😅

1m but u no longer have any friends
Alright! These days, I'm more of a lone wolf anyways.

A million dollars but you have to lick the seat of a public toilet once every month and for 2 whole minutes 😜🚽
:sick: definite nope, I'd probably catch all sorts from that and not live to spend the million

one million but your home no longer has any access to electricity (which will be the same for any place you move to)
No, I think I’d rather not.

One million dollars, but every curse word you say gets replaced with the word “vacuum”.
good thing i don't swear, tbh even if i did i wouldn't mind that haha

1m but u can never watch anime again unless u don't then that's all ur allowed to watch 👀
Sure, I’ll take it. There’s other things I could watch (why does everyone harp on the fact that I’m a weeb? That’s not all I am, LOL).

One million dollars, but every day a snake bites you.
Sure, I’ll take it. There’s other things I could watch (why does everyone harp on the fact that I’m a weeb? That’s not all I am, LOL).
lol it's not that, anime is all my brother has been talking about lately so it's all i can think of 😂

anyway i'm gonna go with no to the snakes because they creep me out and i might react without thinking and step on it then that'll make me feel bad 😅

1m but u turn into a frog for an hour everytime u spend it
Yes. My worst enemy is really just my least greatest friend. It’s cool.

1 million dollars but for a year, you have to openly post weekly support on social media for a political candidate of opposite moral values as yourself. This must be a platform you have friends and family added to and you can’t let them know why you’re doing it.
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I don’t think I could do that, unfortunately!

One million dollars but you’ll never be able to talk to anyone on tbt again.
That’s fine. I’ll take the money.

One million dollars, but that weird spirit thing that always questions what you say as if you’re questioning yourself and says “BUT WOULD YOU???” like in that one episode of The Amazing World Of Gumball follows you around everywhere and you can’t get rid of it. And also, everyone you come into contact with can see and hear it as well. : ]
Not really familiar with that show or episode, but that scenario is probably a negative for me, I tell you h'what.

A million smackers but from now on you have to walk with a pebble in your shoe all the time (unless you want to walk barefoot everywhere. You're also not allowed to wear sandals and such).
honestly, i’d do it! it’s definitely be uncomfortable, but if i cover myself or the pebble correctly i shouldnt be hurt

a million dollars but the fictional character you hate the most comes to life
No deal, the character i hate the most would be like the next hitler/stalin/mao zedong in real life.

a million $ but you have to eat molten lead in order to get it(
←watch this if you wonder whether or not it is lethal)