Interesting concept. Do people remember the movie? Am I the only one that remembers it?
I know it’s a million but I’d probably say no. My favorite movies are comfort viewings at this point.
A million dollars but you have to go to the bank in person for every single purchase moving forward.
As much as I love any kind of ramen, no. I couldn’t eat just 1 food forever…but you’ve just given me an idea for the next one…
A million dollars but your only nutritional intake has to be liquids. Things like pudding would be acceptable but all soups and such would have to be broth only.
If I were in my 90's, then yeah, sure. Not now while I'm in my 20's, however.
A million dollars, but you have to go to a dine-in restaurant and be completely rude, and all the other customers have to see it. No physical contact allowed.
I don't think I would, I would feel so self-conscious being stared at all the time.
A million dollars, but you physically can't be polite when speaking to people for the rest of your life. (Can't say please or thank you, always demand things rather than asking etc.)