A Million Dollars, BUT

I mean. No, because that would effect more then just myself lol.

1 million dollars, however you have to survive LIVING in a horror movie. Not in terms of watching, but your now in a horror situation even though nothing has happened yet, but it will. You just don't know when. Exciting, right? 🙃
I'll survive the horror (*cue evil laughter*)

A million dollars, but you will permanently smell like fecal matter (and no amount of showering or perfumes can expunge the stench).
Yuck, no! I like the smell of milk and honey, thank you!

A million dollars, but you have to stop playing all of the Animal Crossing games forever.
En. Oh. The series means too much to me at this point.

A million dollars, but you must confront a major fear of yours head-on with no one else around to help you.
Yeah, sounds like a win/win to me

A million dollars, but you can't give a single dollar or cent to your loved ones
Ill be known as a very selfish person, who spends all their money on themselves.

A million dollars but you've gotta move across the world to have it
S-T-A-R that’s what you are, cuz you’re big in Japan. You’re big in Japan.
This one I’d do in a heartbeat.

A million dollars but you are now severely allergic to any form of sugar.
My diet consists of soda and energy drinks on the regular, so I just can't do it.

A million dollars, but you have to run a 30-toddler daycare by yourself everyday for a month.
Oh man…do I have to run it successfully? LOL
Probably no…

A million dollars but every sentence you begin has to start with a scream…and you can never explain why.
I'll do it. People already think I'm psychotic.

A million dollars, but all internet forums cease to exist.
No...couldn't do that to people.

A million dollars but now you have hooved feet, like a faun.
Lopez already has it hard; I really couldn't deal with it myself.
Though it's miraculous that he can play a guitar no problem...

Lopez Avatar.jpg

A million dollars, but you have to put your pet up for adoption. Or, if you don't have a pet, must eat nothing but cat food for a year.
big NOPE, my cats are literally my children.

A million dollars, but a spider lives in your hair for the rest of your life.
I love spiders and have kept them as pets before so yeah sure why not! I can take a spood friend and a million dollars.

A million dollars, but you're now permanently dizzy.
Anything grotesque involving eyes makes me wanna vomit, so heck no.

A million dollars, but your taxes double until the million is fully spent (and if your parents pay the taxes, that burden goes to them).
No. Terrible deal lol

A million dollars but you have to dress like a clown whenever you’re in public.
I like not being bullied in school, thank you.

A million dollars but everything you eat has to contain fruits or vegetables with it. (I could probably do this)
heck yeah! that’s a win win!

a million dollars, but you have to change your name to foot fungus junior.
Sounds incredibly gross; no.

A million dollars, but you have to play Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing and lose a race.