A Million Dollars, BUT

Mm, that's a solid no ty lol.

A million dollars but you can only wear this specific colour and no others, forever.
that’s a nice color, but no thanks.

a million dollars but you have to live your life the size of a mouse.
As cute as that sounds, all I can think about is how big other animals would be in comparison... like spiders...😭 No thank you 😭

A million dollars, but you have to live your life the size of a giraffe.
Yes. I don't ever really remember dreaming anyway, lol...

A million dollars, but you can never move out of your current house/apartment.
No. I don’t want to live with my parents for the rest of my life… and I don’t think they’d want to live with me either.

A million dollars, but you can never use electric lighting ever again. You’ll have to use candles or the sun or things like that.
As long as electronic devices don't count as lighting, then I'll take it.

A million dollars, but you can only wear one color (of your choosing) for the rest of your life.
That's easy. I'm probably go with black, since it's versatile.

A million dollars, but you have to move to a country different from the one you were born in.
Easy yes. I’ll just move to Taiwan. A million US dollars is a couple million dollars in their currency.

A million dollars but you must wear a Care Bear suit for two years and can never take it off.
I don’t think so.

A million dollars but you have to catch this UFO to get it (in this case you’re running on flat course with no holes).
I mean, maybe I could give it to someone who could use it, so I guess I’ll take it.

Uh, maybe.
You’ll have to be running at least 2300 mph to have a chance at catching that thing. But I believe in you lol 🤣

A million dollars but you have to take it out of a gas station bathroom toilet.
Absolutely not. Who knows what kind of horrors lie within there?

A million dollars, but you're now aware of your time/cause of death. It's unavoidable and you can't change anything for a different outcome.
Sure thing. There's things I fear more than death at this point.

A million dollars, but you have to leave TBT and you can't ever come back.
Tbh no. This site means a lot to me at this point and I can’t imagine permanently leaving it god that sounded so mushy lol

A million dollars but it’s all in pennies and you have to carry them everywhere you go.
I can’t be bothered to look up the weight of a penny and multiply it, but I assume it would crush the person having to carry it, so no.

A million dollars but you have to survive a grizzly bear encounter.
Sure. I'll invest in crypto. lol

A million dollars, but you put hot sauce in everything you drink.
Hot sauce water would be crazy.. so I'll pass.

A Million dollars but you can only sleep a maximum of 5 hours a day.