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A Sadness Thread

i dun want no women

i aint no women luver
On a positive note I've got my supernatural boxset! (Which will keep me quiet and out of my dad's way)

I don't even know how jake could follow up your posts with a "omg he dosnt see me" kinda thing.
Trust me you got it kinda bad. At lest it's just verbal right?
If I were you. Get out. Don't come back. Let them go to you. Stay with friends stay with your bf.
Do what you need to do to get out of that place. Get a go bag ready and do it. Find a woman's shelter, they will treet you good.
Point is, if you want it to continue, stay.
If you want a change, go.
Because calling him out and still living under his roof, good luck. You'll be asking for a hell you have not begun to see the likes of.
I don't even know how jake could follow up your posts with a "omg he dosnt see me" kinda thing.
Trust me you got it kinda bad. At lest it's just verbal right?
If I were you. Get out. Don't come back. Let them go to you. Stay with friends stay with your bf.
Do what you need to do to get out of that place. Get a go bag ready and do it. Find a woman's shelter, they will treet you good.
Point is, if you want it to continue, stay.
If you want a change, go.
Because calling him out and still living under his roof, good luck. You'll be asking for a hell you have not begun to see the likes of.
Me and my bf have been moving some of my belongings over to his dad's house for a few weeks now, mainly just some clothes and valuables. My college has said that if I do leave I should tell them, one so that it's on record, two that they stop my dad if he comes looking for me in college. My bf's family knows what my dad does and they've said I can stay there, but I'm just worried that my dad would start going after my bf's family... Another thing is that my mum has started planning to redecorate my room to make it more 'grown up' and I feel it would be a kick in the teeth for my mum if I left now...
Me and my bf have been moving some of my belongings over to his dad's house for a few weeks now, mainly just some clothes and valuables. My college has said that if I do leave I should tell them, one so that it's on record, two that they stop my dad if he comes looking for me in college. My bf's family knows what my dad does and they've said I can stay there, but I'm just worried that my dad would start going after my bf's family... Another thing is that my mum has started planning to redecorate my room to make it more 'grown up' and I feel it would be a kick in the teeth for my mum if I left now...

To be honest, abuse is worse than whatever would happen if you left. :/
Go if you want to and have the chance, but if you think your mom would really take it that seriously, try thinking of another solution.
my online math quiz thing got messed up and I might have to take it again...it took me like 3 hours to put it all together...im gonna be mad if I have to waste another 3 doing it over when i could be studying -.-
Mint, have you talked to your mom about everything?

I tried talking to her yesterday, but of course she spoke to my dad and now I'm apparently a liar and attention seeker or as my mum sees it a confused teenager who can't tell the difference between a strict parent or an abusive parent...
Not that I know the whole situation and it's really none of my business, but what exactly does he yell at you about? Because my dad can be the same way sometimes. If I do something that's wrong, even if it's the most minor thing ever, he'll yell at me. And sometimes he'll get carried away and insult me harshly, but I know he has his reasons. He was a very bad person when he was younger and he wants me to be nothing like him. So if I do something very wrong, no matter how little, I get chewed out. And it's only because he cares about me. Way too much but whatever. His strictness really made it difficult to do a lot of things growing up. Like I wasn't allowed to hang out with my friends because they were always ''hoodlums'' in his eyes and he was afraid I would end up like them.

Anyways, I don't know what he yells at you about. But at least it's only verbal, right? Because my dad beat me up. And I tried calling the cops once to avoid it because I knew it as coming and apparently it's corporal punishment, which is legal.

Sorry if this doesn't help and is nothing similar to your situation but that's just how my dad was. I tried to move out of my house too with my friends but I was too young and their parents wouldn't let me so yah.
Almost all of my middle school to high school life I thought I was ********. I'm just holding on to any form of confidence I can get. If I don't graduate at the age of 18, I don't know how I would live with myself.

Anyway, after getting that off my chest, all of you are beautiful people and you should remember that. Night.
- My favourite anime is ending for a while or forever. Depends.

- Little brother ruined my DS.

- Mum made my most hated food: Peas
Almost all of my middle school to high school life I thought I was ********. I'm just holding on to any form of confidence I can get. If I don't graduate at the age of 18, I don't know how I would live with myself.

Anyway, after getting that off my chest, all of you are beautiful people and you should remember that. Night.

Middle school is bad for everyone, your all changing and it's confusing. Things will get better.
Your not ********, your smarter then you think.

- My favourite anime is ending for a while or forever. Depends.

- Little brother ruined my DS.

- Mum made my most hated food: Peas

What anime?
Sorry about your ds.
Eat your peas, there good for you.
You have no idea how hard it is to take care of your family and provide dinner every night.
- My favourite anime is ending for a while or forever. Depends.

- Little brother ruined my DS.

- Mum made my most hated food: Peas

My little sister broke my DS Lite years and years ago. Almost immediately after I got it. I just returned it to toy's R us and they gave me a brand new one. They aren't very smart since my mom explained that it was broke like a joke.

And peas are good, silly.
My little sister broke my DS Lite years and years ago. Almost immediately after I got it. I just returned it to toy's R us and they gave me a brand new one. They aren't very smart since my mom explained that it was broke like a joke.

And peas are good, silly.

I used to work for toys r us, if it didn't work, for any reason. I exchanged it.
It sucks when you need a new and no one will help you out.
I used to work for toys r us, if it didn't work, for any reason. I exchanged it.
It sucks when you need a new and no one will help you out.

I didn't mean any offense. I just don't think it's a good business move to exchange a broken product (that the customer broke) for a brand new one. Regardless, I am glad they did. I thought I was gonna lose my DS forever.
I know your pain! When I was young, I lived in my hometown. I had to leave to go across to the other side of the country, and leave my best friend who lived directly beside me and we played together everyday. (Grade 1)
After awhile, I made some friends in the new school. Half a year through, he moved away. (Grade 2)
The year after that (same school), I made another friend, but he ended up moving cities and schools during the Summer. (Grade 3 - Grade 4)
Then, I finally made new friends at the school again, and I was moving back to the other side of the country... (Grade 5)
In Grade 5, I had three different schools, leaving friends behind over and over.
I now have a lot of friends, and I'm here until I graduate! Hope it gets better for you!

Now a perv has a crush on me, but he's so delicate. I wonder how I'll tell him about my bf. Thanks for the sympathy. It feels nice to know someone knows what you're going through.
Good news from my side, I'm now going to individual counselling and family counselling about the problems I had with my dad and things are looking up now! My dad and I are starting to talk to each other properly and are doing more things together (We've started watching the Alien series together and we both find it funny when my mum hides behind a cushion!) We are even going to both go look at some cars in a few days and choose one to be my first car!

Though I'm having to resit my Biology exam as I failed it... A little bit of a pain, but I know what I need to focus on revising now. :/
My best friend of 3 years just told me that he never liked me, trusted me, or even cared about me and then ended the friendship with me :'c