AC:NH has become Japan's best-selling game of all time

And yet Nintendo refuses to update the game with new content because they said a few years ago that they had "no plans" for any future content
@PoppyPumpkin New Leaf got a massive update (albeit the game was fully complete at the start) because they were introducing the amiibo cards. I doubt they would had done more for the game if it weren't for them trying to get the cards have more traction. Funnily enough they never printed enough cards anyway and then they also repeated this again for the reprints during NH's time.

Splatoon 3 and NH were worked on by the same branch. So they were stretched thin. They could've been working on both at the same time and the suits in charge told them to really stretch out the barebone updates so it looked like they had something when they were already moving on before the ink even dried.

Heck look at that Mario soccer game. They dropped it barebone (from what I could gather online) compared to how much content the Gamecube version had. And they slowly trickled in some new characters and stages which ended up being only 2 updates for 4 new characters? and then said they were done. I feel like this is just Nintendo's new buisness move because they know they can get away with it. The new Pokemon game apparently has huge performance issues and a ton of glitches, but the fanbase excuses it.
The new Pokemon game apparently has huge performance issues and a ton of glitches, but the fanbase excuses it.

Honestly, I love the new Pokemon games. I have a blast playing them, but there are some visual graphic things that make me go 'well, they could have done better there' - the game play is fun though, and admittedly other than weird frame rates, I haven't run into any bugs in my 200 hours of playtime so far, knock on wood lol
For all the potential I can see in this game to expand the world and add to the experience, I still love this game more than I’ve ever loved a game in my life. I know my experience is kind of different than a lot of peoples and I swear I am not trying to be dismissive about the complaints of people who were unhappy about the way the game was handled.

For me, someone completely new to AC, the pace of the updates was good, i had no expectations going in, but I fell in love, that’s all.

But more thank any new objective good or bad thing about the game (I think there’s plenty of both), something keeps me coming back to this game, even after like 4000 hours now. I haven’t been able to get that into any other video game, ever. So to me that makes the game something special.
For all the potential I can see in this game to expand the world and add to the experience, I still love this game more than I’ve ever loved a game in my life. I know my experience is kind of different than a lot of peoples and I swear I am not trying to be dismissive about the complaints of people who were unhappy about the way the game was handled.

For me, someone completely new to AC, the pace of the updates was good, i had no expectations going in, but I fell in love, that’s all.

But more thank any new objective good or bad thing about the game (I think there’s plenty of both), something keeps me coming back to this game, even after like 4000 hours now. I haven’t been able to get that into any other video game, ever. So to me that makes the game something special.
I thought the pace was okay, too! I never really had problems with the pacing, but more so the removal of so many favorite things like villagers being more personable instead of how robotic and the same they feel in NH, perfect fruit (i want it back so so so bad) etc. So I think when people see "no more updates" they start to feel upset because there is so much not only potential, but missing things people loved that they hoped to see back =(
I'm surprised, but at the same time almost not. It DID release during a time when almost the entire world was suddenly stuck inside and had to find ways of keeping themselves busy, and what better way to kill time than a cute, palatable life sim?
However, despite now apparently being the best-selling game of all time in Japan, I don't think Nintendo will suddenly go back to supporting NH or stop with their recent trend of releasing barebones games with pitiful "updates" (look at some of the recent Mario Sports games, and now Pokemon Scarlet/Violet, same trends over and over again :/)
The game made it's millions and most have moved on from the fad, no reason to keep pouring manpower and resources into a 3 year old game when Splatoon 3 is the newest, coolest game on the block

Though to be fair I really DO believe Nintendo fully intended to give NH support with substantial updates as promised, but COVID hit and the game blew up and suddenly everyone was playing it full-time and, due to workplace restrictions, Nintendo just couldn't keep up with demand and it just kind of died by the time the dust settled ☹️ Not an excuse to keep doing this awful business practice that I mentioned above of course, but I don't think it was intentional, at least not at the start; just rotten timing is all

On another note it's kinda scary how 98% of that list is Nintendo dominated lmao 😅
I thought the pace was okay, too! I never really had problems with the pacing, but more so the removal of so many favorite things like villagers being more personable instead of how robotic and the same they feel in NH, perfect fruit (i want it back so so so bad) etc. So I think when people see "no more updates" they start to feel upset because there is so much not only potential, but missing things people loved that they hoped to see back =(

I was kind of glossing over all the arguments about the game, yeah, sorry for the misunderstanding.

The fact is, despite the flaws (for example, it can be a little repetitive, especially the intro lines of dialogue), I love the villagers, they are the highlight of the game for me. I love how expressive they are and how funny and fun they are, and just watching them wander around and interact with their world. I love finding new ones to love. They are probably the number one reason I keep returning to the game, and the thing I haven’t found in any other game. Different villagers with the same personality should be exactly the same to me but they really aren’t - some personalities I will find annoying on one villager but beloved in another.

I also like that they do not have too much of set or developed personalities. I’d be really upset if they tried to make my faves a certain way that didn’t match with how I imagine them to be of fit the stories I have for them in my head. (And I am sure I don’t trust Nintendo to not ruin my beloved Tabby)

From what I’ve seen there was not any major changes to the dialogue mechanic in NH vs. NL - it works a little different from game to game, but there is not more dialogue in NL vs NH. People seem to strong argue it was better while equal numbers of others argue it was worse, so I assume it was about the same. (From a kind member on here I understand that Wild world does seem to have had some additional dialogue trees and options which sound very fun)

None of that really is the most important part though, cause I know it is more a matter of opinion and how people feel - and I know we will never convince each other (and that’s okay! 😅).

TLDR; I LOVE the villagers, but that’s just my opinion and I know the perception of the game and how it compares to other animal crossing games is personal preference, so no hard feelings I hope! But yeah, for me personally, this is the game I love, and the one in the future I will surely compare all other iterations of animal crossing to, while complaining about how they fall far short (and surely they will, at least in some ways). 😂

(Sorry so long, as always, I am just wordy. And sorry to those who have read me saying the same thing before - I just really like the villagers and the game in general. It isn’t perfect but I still love it exactly as it is. idk, I know it’s kind of an unpopular opinion.)
I was kind of glossing over all the arguments about the game, yeah, sorry for the misunderstanding.

The fact is, despite the flaws (for example, it can be a little repetitive, especially the intro lines of dialogue), I love the villagers, they are the highlight of the game for me. I love how expressive they are and how funny and fun they are, and just watching them wander around and interact with their world. I love finding new ones to love. They are probably the number one reason I keep returning to the game, and the thing I haven’t found in any other game. Different villagers with the same personality should be exactly the same to me but they really aren’t - some personalities I will find annoying on one villager but beloved in another.

I also like that they do not have too much of set or developed personalities. I’d be really upset if they tried to make my faves a certain way that didn’t match with how I imagine them to be of fit the stories I have for them in my head. (And I am sure I don’t trust Nintendo to not ruin my beloved Tabby)

From what I’ve seen there was not any major changes to the dialogue mechanic in NH vs. NL - it works a little different from game to game, but there is not more dialogue in NL vs NH. People seem to strong argue it was better while equal numbers of others argue it was worse, so I assume it was about the same. (From a kind member on here I understand that Wild world does seem to have had some additional dialogue trees and options which sound very fun)

None of that really is the most important part though, cause I know it is more a matter of opinion and how people feel - and I know we will never convince each other (and that’s okay! 😅).

TLDR; I LOVE the villagers, but that’s just my opinion and I know the perception of the game and how it compares to other animal crossing games is personal preference, so no hard feelings I hope! But yeah, for me personally, this is the game I love, and the one in the future I will surely compare all other iterations of animal crossing to, while complaining about how they fall far short (and surely they will, at least in some ways). 😂

(Sorry so long, as always, I am just wordy. And sorry to those who have read me saying the same thing before - I just really like the villagers and the game in general. It isn’t perfect but I still love it exactly as it is. idk, I know it’s kind of an unpopular opinion.)

Nah, I totally understand being worried about some of the personalities. Like, I love Diana but I think if she was as snooty as snooty villagers used to be, I might not like her as much. Though I feel like ACNL was really good in terms of keeping the personalities balanced. I remember hating some of them in earlier games and just actively spending so much of my time hitting ones I didn't like with a net because I felt like they were so mean x.x I think with NL there was just more dialogue and it was more spread out so you didn't really feel like you always had the same convos with villagers all the time (if that makes sense?)
Also don't worry about me taking offense to anything you said!!!! You are absolutely allowed to have opinions and preferences even if we disgaree! It doesn't make me think differently of you! The world would be super boring if we all thought the same, I think. <3
I do still love the villagers, I think like I said, my issue is that it does feel repetitive and more dialogue incorporated would be lovely to make the personalities feel more different from each other. And yeah, the older games, some of the villagers were down right mean and would roast you lol
That's exciting news! I hope they are already working on the next Animal Crossing game. I'm just sad that I will probably need to buy a new console to play it by the time it comes out.
Nintendo might push more funds into development for the next game. I still think they underestimated the reception New Horizons would receive. I think New Horizons was going to blow up regardless of the pandemic. People just ended up ended up dumping more time into than they would have. The previous game released was on a 3DS which few people wanted. It's mostly seen as a children's toy. And it was released in 2012-2013, when social media influencers was still an early concept.