Senior Member
I know that the action will be on the Top Screen. but it's not clear what the touch screen will show. Besides that, Wild Word also has shown the sky on the touch screen, a little, but you weren't able to move the camera. Furthermore, I think even Nintendo knows that 3D is kind of useless for a game like Animal Crossingand that the most players will turn it off after a while. Like I said, we don't know what the touch screen will show AND maybe we do get the option to switch screens, are you working for Nintendo that you know that? They may reveal this kind of thing later. It is kind of weird that they haven't shown us the touch screen yet, so maybe they change the loyout down there.
I personally liked it with the sky above, felt calming and I don't like button controlling in AC. We have to wait to find out. But for now, only the upper screen is confirmed to show the action, yes.
I personally liked it with the sky above, felt calming and I don't like button controlling in AC. We have to wait to find out. But for now, only the upper screen is confirmed to show the action, yes.