I was thinking that too.
I saw other people say it's a clock tower though on the 3DSblog replies.
yeah idk.
I just think it looks tiny, and the mayor office looks tiny too. so i just put them together and made that haha
I was thinking that too.
I saw other people say it's a clock tower though on the 3DSblog replies.
yeah i havent seen housing posts either.
Rumors say we can make paths 'cause you can see a path-like concrete thing on the ground in a screen shot. I hope so, they'd be much better than dirt paths, let me find the pic.
but that was like released at E3 2010, and the ones from E3 2011 show the bench and lamp, and don't have concrete around them, so who knows, maybe they got rid of them?
maybe concrete is optional?
I was under the assumption that the stone under the bench and lamp were there because the items were static. I was actually glad when I saw the stone removed.
and doesnt that mean we have to pay for DLC?
Probably not all/most of it. here's the source http://gonintendo.com/?mode=viewstory&id=176307
If it turns out to be true then i will be happy cause it will keep the game fresh, HOWEVER, if they charge for all DLC i will jump off a 100 story building while hanging myself if that makes any sense.
HOWEVER, if they charge for all DLC i will jump off a 100 story building while hanging myself if that makes any sense.
calm down,i still doubt it
I dont think they would make us pay for DLC;
I mean, if we do, then the items will be available in the catalogue. either buyable or non-buyable
Buyable and then one person will buy the DLC and can just give it to everyone
not buyable and then they'll have exclusive items, which doesn't sound like Nintendo
i really hope your right Bidoof...
if not well cry in a corner together.
eating ice cream...
saing things like "im getting so fat"
well do this Bidoof! we will!