Something I've always been annoyed about is how we don't have any kind of main street for other shops, or at least some easier way to access the RVs, specially Cyrus and Reese. It always felt like a major downgrade to go from having Re-Tail in your town in NL, to having to go to the airport, deal with Orville's annoyingly long dialogue, just to get to Harv's island. It feels especially weird since ACNH centers so heavily on decorating and customization. In a more general sense too, I've always felt like the developers plopping a bunch of RVs on Harv's island felt like a more lazy way to implement a version of main street, but it really just feels unpolished and scuffed to me. I find that I barely visit Harv's island for shopping because the process of getting there is too tedious.
I've been bothered by this too, but haven't really thought about it until you brought it up. Reese and Cyrus should've been added to the island visitor cycle, so at least on some days you can just go straight to them in the plaza to get what you need done quickly. I mean, after a while, you won't need Saharah, Redd or Kicks to visit all the time once you get their trailers moved in. Leif is fine, since eventually you'll need to quickly buy new shrubs, starts, or use his service if your island gets (super) infested. Heck, even Katrina should have been added to the rotation, but only until her trailer is moved in, as her services are once-a-day things. Again, this is stuff I think New Leaf did a bit better on release day, not three years after. In terms of the trailers, I think the idea is good enough, but the way it was executed does look a bit plain and boring.
And yes, Orville's dialogue does get very annoying after a while. I get it, the guy's gotta say some things so as to not be a completely forgettable character, but the process really should be more streamlined the more you fly, especially to Harv's Island as it's more than just Photopia after the final major update.
Random thought, but it also amuses me that when I made my second player account, Orville had no idea where Harv's Island was at first, despite my main character flying there all the time...
Got some rain in this game for an hour, but I never caught a coelacanth (yes, I met the spawn requirement). I hate sea bass and olive flounder with a burning passion...
It's one of the hardest fish to catch in the game for a reason. It's actually somewhat easier to catch than in New Leaf because of fish bait. Without it, however, you're definitely going to have a hard time. At least when it rains/snows, it can be caught at any time in any month.
If fish bait wasn't a thing, I actually think that the Stringfish is the hardest to get, since it only spawns in one little area from December to March (Northern Hemisphere) after 4PM. Good luck trying to get it without bait if you only have one clifftop river.