So, this video game me an idea for another thread. What features that were introduced into this game do you think should STAY, and which ones do you think should GO?
There are features that "made" Animal Crossing (the ones that should STAY)
There were ones that "broke" (or that you would just rather revert from) Animal Crossing (the ones that should GO)
Feel free to also elaborate on why you think certain features should stay, or go.
Remember, these are just my humble opinions on how to make an ideal Animal Crossing game. It's okay if we happened to disagree on some of these. ^^
Living on an Island - GO. Don't get me wrong, living on an island for New Horizons was a nice change, but I think it would be nice to go back to living in a town like we did in the pre-New Horizons days. Not to mention, the desert island limits your starting villagers (which I will be getting into more). In previous installments there were more potential starting villagers. However, I do not mind having to start from scratch to some extent like we did in New Horizons, like having to pull weeds and having to unlocked a lot more buildings along the way. I do not mind some buildings being in the actual town, but I think we should have something similar to Main Street in New Leaf, so out town doesn't get so crowded.
Changing Our Appearance Anytime - STAY. While there are useful guides out there, I find it silly that your face would be generated based on how you answers questions in the pre-New Horizons games. With each game, things have gotten better. However, New Leaf didn't would handle things correctly. You had to go through the rigmarole of unlocking Shampoodle, THEN a couple weeks later, you could finally change your eye color. New Horizons finally made the decision to allow us to customization how we see fit. I don't see why this should go. I love being able to have my player character reflect myself from the get-go. New Leaf made this time-consuming while its predecessors made it downright limited.
Tool Ring - STAY. I think we can all agree that this made it A LOT easier to select our tools. I would love for Nintendo to take a step forward and make the tool ring separate from our pockets in future games.
Autosaving - STAY. Autosaving can be useful, but it can also be a bit harmful if you screw something up. I decided that it should stay, but we should have an option to switch it on or off.
Buying in Bulk - STAY. I am glad that Nook's has an infinite number of minor stuff now. Buying in bulk is useful. However, we should be able to customize the quantity.
Outdoor Furniture - STAY. I love how we can place furniture outside. This definitely gave us more ways to decorating and make our island unique.
Terraforming - STAY. This is something that helped us to quite literally shape out islands. My only issue with how tedious it was. I would love something similar to HHP where we could decorate, terraform, pave, fence, etc. more efficiently.
Placing Paths - STAY. Pavements were a nice addition. It allowed you to have natural paths as opposed to designed ones
Placing Fences - STAY. Another nice addition to help liven things up. I would love for more fences, more variants, and a more streamlined way to customize them.
Crafting - GO. Don't get me wrong, crafting was useful under some circumstances, but there was way too much focus placed onto it. Not to mention, it was very poorly executed. You would get SO MANY duplicates even when there were hundreds to be unlocked. And you wanna know what I find ABSOLUTELY INANE?! You had the option to decline DIY recipes you didn't have...BUT they would ******* FORCE a recipe on you that YOU ALREADY HAVE!

What kind of backwards non-sense is this?! I do not know if crafting should go altogether, but it should be more minor (like for medicine). Yeah, it's nice to have it for making furniture, but it is tedious. I rather just have other methods of obtaining it like how we had those street pass homes in NewLeaf.
Farming - GO. Obviously, this excludes turnips, as they have always been a thing, but I also think farming should go, since it is mostly just used for cooking (which I will be getting into next) and it takes up too much space.
Cooking - GO. As I hinted above, I think cooking should go. It is useful for stamina to shovel up trees an break rocks, but we can just use fruit for that (which, BTW, we should our native fruit for sale again in future mainline games). Crafting ties into cooking. Cooking ties into farming. I do not necessarily hate these features, but they took away from the AC experience.
Vaulting Poles and Ladders - STAY. These are a godsend! It is so much easier to navigate our island with these. It would be ridiculous to get rid of these!
8-Player Online Play - STAY. Personally, I do not care to play with 7 other people at a time. I am an introvert, and this would probably overwhelm me, but this doesn't mean I think it should go. This should stay for the extroverts that do, and to make trades (if you are intending to trade with multiple people at a time) easier and faster.
Singing Villagers - STAY. Nothing much to this, but it is cute and makes villagers seem more life like, so I am in favor if this staying.
Breakable Tools - GO. Okay...this is EASILY my most hated feature in the game. I just wanna fish. I just wanna water my flowers. I just wanna catch bugs! I do NOT want to have to stop when I am in the middle of these, just because my tool breaks. It is even more ridiculous that GOLDEN tools break. I love having to not stress about this in the older games. It's NICEEEE!
(and some ones that weren't mentioned in the video)
Relocating Houses and Buildings - STAY. This is extremely useful. I freaking hate how villagers can place their houses anywhere they damn-well please in New Leaf.
Villager Hunting - STAY. I highly doubt we are going to get mystery tours again, but I think it would be awesome to have something similar to where we can go hunt for villagers. It would be even better if it gave us a handful of villagers of varying personality to make the chances of finding a specific villager we'd like not be so slim.
Villagers Moving In Personality-order - GO. So, this is version of Animal Crossing made it to where the first 6 villagers were personality-specific. We started with a jock and a sisterly. We set up houses for a normal, a peppy, and a lazy villager. Then our first camper would be a smug. And it would take forever for us to get our freedom of Amiiboing in villagers. Yes, we could do some villager hunting towards the beginning, but it was limited to normal, peppy, and lazy villagers. It takes FOREVER to even have the POSSIBILITY of getting a snooty and cranky villager.
Giving Villagers Gift In-person - STAY. This is actually something I have been wanting in Animal Crossing. I think I can even recall saying I wanted this in New Horizons when we were waiting on it to come out. I am a sucker for anything that has to do with more interactions with villagers.
Cheering Villagers Up - STAY. Similar to my point above, this is definitely something that should stay. I haven't experienced this for myself yet, but I want to. I bet it is pretty heartwarming. :,)
Seeing What You Donated from Your Crittipedia - STAY. It was always a pain to see whether you donated certain critters or not in the older games. You would have to go to the museum to do so, and even then, it was hard to rule out what you haven't donated yet. New Horizons offers a very straight-forward way of doing so. It would be a shame if they just got rid of this QOL feature.
Shoveling Trees and Breaking Rocks - STAY. It is very useful to being able to shovel trees and move them to other places. It's nice removing rocks, but it would be awesome if we could replace them as we see fit like the trees
Villagers Always Talk to You Before Moving - STAY. I know some people do not like this because "It makes the island a prison" and "It is harder to move out non-dreamies" (which I understand the latter point), but we need to look at the other side of the coin: We all have dreamies that we do not want to lose. Some people may like to time travel or go on hiatuses, so it is crucial that we have this in place. It is nice knowing that villagers can no longer possibly move until talking to you first.
BONUS: Features that debuted in New Leaf that reappeared in New Horizons
(even though this thread is mostly for ACNH-debutant features, I want to give my opinion on
ACNL-debutant ones, that made another appearance in New Horizons)
Placing Your House Wherever - STAY. Based on my support for house and building relocating, of course I support this. I am glad New Horizons took a step forward with relocation.
Exterior Customization - STAY. I loved this in New Leaf. It's decent in New Horizons, but I feel like it took a step back. I would like more themes and options to be available again.
Refurbishing - STAY. This was a godsend. I love being able to change the color and whatnot of my furniture. Two of my favorite furniture series (besides lovely) are regal and rococo. I love their styles. However, what is also important to me is color scheme. Thanks to refurbishing I can have these furniture sets to have both white and pink color schemes. Which is one of my favorite ones.

Villagers Visiting Buildings and Other Villager's Houses - GO. Now look. I consider myself an advocate for villagers that are more life-like, 3D, in-depth, etc. But this is one of the few things I do not like. It is sometimes a nightmare to track them down. And this also limits dialogue and interaction. If Nintendo wants to continue with this we should, #1 - have a way to track down villagers and #2 - still have the ability to offer favors, retrieve items, deliver packages (this also goes for not being able to do certain things when they are fishing. This needs to change)
Amiibo-ing In Villagers - STAY. I love being able to Amiiboing in my favorite villagers. This is a godsend and one of Nintendo's best creations.
Villagers Randomly Visiting Your House - STAY. Despite all the chaos this has put me through, I still think this should stay. However, this should stay limited to villagers we have a significantly high friendship with. AND WE NEED A DND SYSTEM!
Villagers Randomly Sending Letters - STAY. I love this. I love getting random sweet messages from my favorite villagers. I love anything that has to do with more life-like, in-depth, etc. villagers, and rewards for befriending villagers. It may simple to normal people, but I love getting letters like "I hope you're well", "I'm thinking of you", "I'm here for you.", etc.

Unscheduled Visits - STAY. So, as you know, visits were introduced in WildWorld, where villagers could ask to come to your house. However, you would have to choose a certain time for them to do so and you could not set them too soon. This re-appeared in City Folk, and villagers could ask to arrange a visit for you to come to their house as well. The frequency is a lot less in City Folk than it is in Wild World, but I actually scheduled a visit for a villager to come to my house a few days ago.
These scheduled visits reappeared once again in New Leaf and are a lot more frequent than in City Folk. Thankfully, there where also unscheduled visits introduced into New Leaf, where villagers could just be like "Can I visit your house right now?" and "Do you want to come over to my house right now?"
New Horizons did even better by getting rid of timed visits altogether. Unscheduled "right now" visits are the best way. Timed/scheduled visits can be a problem because we could be forgetful and/or something can come up. I can usually cheese the system by just waiting in my house the whole time, but this is only for when villagers are coming over to your house, not the other way around. Since planned visits are rare in City Folk, I mostly worry about this in New Leaf, since it is a lot more frequent, like atrociously frequent. Planned visits are EXTREMELY RARE in New Horizons for some reason. My only issue with the frequency in WildWorld and especially New Leaf (since they can also ask you to their house, which you cannot do from the get go) was that you were forced to wait. City Folk, not so much because of how rare they are in that version. Again, I am glad New Horizons did away with this rigmarole altogether. I am completely okay with my favorite villagers asking to come over to my house and vice-versa, but the game should not force me to wait. ._.
Some of you may not like the OP-related features, and that's okay, but they should be available and optional, so people can play as they see fit.
There are features that "made" Animal Crossing (the ones that should STAY)
There were ones that "broke" (or that you would just rather revert from) Animal Crossing (the ones that should GO)
Feel free to also elaborate on why you think certain features should stay, or go.
Living on an Island - GO. Don't get me wrong, living on an island for New Horizons was a nice change, but I think it would be nice to go back to living in a town like we did in the pre-New Horizons days. Not to mention, the desert island limits your starting villagers (which I will be getting into more). In previous installments there were more potential starting villagers. However, I do not mind having to start from scratch to some extent like we did in New Horizons, like having to pull weeds and having to unlocked a lot more buildings along the way. I do not mind some buildings being in the actual town, but I think we should have something similar to Main Street in New Leaf, so out town doesn't get so crowded.
Changing Our Appearance Anytime - STAY. While there are useful guides out there, I find it silly that your face would be generated based on how you answers questions in the pre-New Horizons games. With each game, things have gotten better. However, New Leaf didn't would handle things correctly. You had to go through the rigmarole of unlocking Shampoodle, THEN a couple weeks later, you could finally change your eye color. New Horizons finally made the decision to allow us to customization how we see fit. I don't see why this should go. I love being able to have my player character reflect myself from the get-go. New Leaf made this time-consuming while its predecessors made it downright limited.
Tool Ring - STAY. I think we can all agree that this made it A LOT easier to select our tools. I would love for Nintendo to take a step forward and make the tool ring separate from our pockets in future games.
Autosaving - STAY. Autosaving can be useful, but it can also be a bit harmful if you screw something up. I decided that it should stay, but we should have an option to switch it on or off.
Buying in Bulk - STAY. I am glad that Nook's has an infinite number of minor stuff now. Buying in bulk is useful. However, we should be able to customize the quantity.
Outdoor Furniture - STAY. I love how we can place furniture outside. This definitely gave us more ways to decorating and make our island unique.
Terraforming - STAY. This is something that helped us to quite literally shape out islands. My only issue with how tedious it was. I would love something similar to HHP where we could decorate, terraform, pave, fence, etc. more efficiently.
Placing Paths - STAY. Pavements were a nice addition. It allowed you to have natural paths as opposed to designed ones
Placing Fences - STAY. Another nice addition to help liven things up. I would love for more fences, more variants, and a more streamlined way to customize them.
Crafting - GO. Don't get me wrong, crafting was useful under some circumstances, but there was way too much focus placed onto it. Not to mention, it was very poorly executed. You would get SO MANY duplicates even when there were hundreds to be unlocked. And you wanna know what I find ABSOLUTELY INANE?! You had the option to decline DIY recipes you didn't have...BUT they would ******* FORCE a recipe on you that YOU ALREADY HAVE!

What kind of backwards non-sense is this?! I do not know if crafting should go altogether, but it should be more minor (like for medicine). Yeah, it's nice to have it for making furniture, but it is tedious. I rather just have other methods of obtaining it like how we had those street pass homes in NewLeaf.
Farming - GO. Obviously, this excludes turnips, as they have always been a thing, but I also think farming should go, since it is mostly just used for cooking (which I will be getting into next) and it takes up too much space.
Cooking - GO. As I hinted above, I think cooking should go. It is useful for stamina to shovel up trees an break rocks, but we can just use fruit for that (which, BTW, we should our native fruit for sale again in future mainline games). Crafting ties into cooking. Cooking ties into farming. I do not necessarily hate these features, but they took away from the AC experience.
Vaulting Poles and Ladders - STAY. These are a godsend! It is so much easier to navigate our island with these. It would be ridiculous to get rid of these!
8-Player Online Play - STAY. Personally, I do not care to play with 7 other people at a time. I am an introvert, and this would probably overwhelm me, but this doesn't mean I think it should go. This should stay for the extroverts that do, and to make trades (if you are intending to trade with multiple people at a time) easier and faster.
Singing Villagers - STAY. Nothing much to this, but it is cute and makes villagers seem more life like, so I am in favor if this staying.
Breakable Tools - GO. Okay...this is EASILY my most hated feature in the game. I just wanna fish. I just wanna water my flowers. I just wanna catch bugs! I do NOT want to have to stop when I am in the middle of these, just because my tool breaks. It is even more ridiculous that GOLDEN tools break. I love having to not stress about this in the older games. It's NICEEEE!
(and some ones that weren't mentioned in the video)
Relocating Houses and Buildings - STAY. This is extremely useful. I freaking hate how villagers can place their houses anywhere they damn-well please in New Leaf.
Villager Hunting - STAY. I highly doubt we are going to get mystery tours again, but I think it would be awesome to have something similar to where we can go hunt for villagers. It would be even better if it gave us a handful of villagers of varying personality to make the chances of finding a specific villager we'd like not be so slim.
Villagers Moving In Personality-order - GO. So, this is version of Animal Crossing made it to where the first 6 villagers were personality-specific. We started with a jock and a sisterly. We set up houses for a normal, a peppy, and a lazy villager. Then our first camper would be a smug. And it would take forever for us to get our freedom of Amiiboing in villagers. Yes, we could do some villager hunting towards the beginning, but it was limited to normal, peppy, and lazy villagers. It takes FOREVER to even have the POSSIBILITY of getting a snooty and cranky villager.
Giving Villagers Gift In-person - STAY. This is actually something I have been wanting in Animal Crossing. I think I can even recall saying I wanted this in New Horizons when we were waiting on it to come out. I am a sucker for anything that has to do with more interactions with villagers.
Cheering Villagers Up - STAY. Similar to my point above, this is definitely something that should stay. I haven't experienced this for myself yet, but I want to. I bet it is pretty heartwarming. :,)
Seeing What You Donated from Your Crittipedia - STAY. It was always a pain to see whether you donated certain critters or not in the older games. You would have to go to the museum to do so, and even then, it was hard to rule out what you haven't donated yet. New Horizons offers a very straight-forward way of doing so. It would be a shame if they just got rid of this QOL feature.
Shoveling Trees and Breaking Rocks - STAY. It is very useful to being able to shovel trees and move them to other places. It's nice removing rocks, but it would be awesome if we could replace them as we see fit like the trees
Villagers Always Talk to You Before Moving - STAY. I know some people do not like this because "It makes the island a prison" and "It is harder to move out non-dreamies" (which I understand the latter point), but we need to look at the other side of the coin: We all have dreamies that we do not want to lose. Some people may like to time travel or go on hiatuses, so it is crucial that we have this in place. It is nice knowing that villagers can no longer possibly move until talking to you first.
BONUS: Features that debuted in New Leaf that reappeared in New Horizons
(even though this thread is mostly for ACNH-debutant features, I want to give my opinion on
ACNL-debutant ones, that made another appearance in New Horizons)
Placing Your House Wherever - STAY. Based on my support for house and building relocating, of course I support this. I am glad New Horizons took a step forward with relocation.
Exterior Customization - STAY. I loved this in New Leaf. It's decent in New Horizons, but I feel like it took a step back. I would like more themes and options to be available again.
Refurbishing - STAY. This was a godsend. I love being able to change the color and whatnot of my furniture. Two of my favorite furniture series (besides lovely) are regal and rococo. I love their styles. However, what is also important to me is color scheme. Thanks to refurbishing I can have these furniture sets to have both white and pink color schemes. Which is one of my favorite ones.

Villagers Visiting Buildings and Other Villager's Houses - GO. Now look. I consider myself an advocate for villagers that are more life-like, 3D, in-depth, etc. But this is one of the few things I do not like. It is sometimes a nightmare to track them down. And this also limits dialogue and interaction. If Nintendo wants to continue with this we should, #1 - have a way to track down villagers and #2 - still have the ability to offer favors, retrieve items, deliver packages (this also goes for not being able to do certain things when they are fishing. This needs to change)
Amiibo-ing In Villagers - STAY. I love being able to Amiiboing in my favorite villagers. This is a godsend and one of Nintendo's best creations.
Villagers Randomly Visiting Your House - STAY. Despite all the chaos this has put me through, I still think this should stay. However, this should stay limited to villagers we have a significantly high friendship with. AND WE NEED A DND SYSTEM!
Villagers Randomly Sending Letters - STAY. I love this. I love getting random sweet messages from my favorite villagers. I love anything that has to do with more life-like, in-depth, etc. villagers, and rewards for befriending villagers. It may simple to normal people, but I love getting letters like "I hope you're well", "I'm thinking of you", "I'm here for you.", etc.

Unscheduled Visits - STAY. So, as you know, visits were introduced in WildWorld, where villagers could ask to come to your house. However, you would have to choose a certain time for them to do so and you could not set them too soon. This re-appeared in City Folk, and villagers could ask to arrange a visit for you to come to their house as well. The frequency is a lot less in City Folk than it is in Wild World, but I actually scheduled a visit for a villager to come to my house a few days ago.
These scheduled visits reappeared once again in New Leaf and are a lot more frequent than in City Folk. Thankfully, there where also unscheduled visits introduced into New Leaf, where villagers could just be like "Can I visit your house right now?" and "Do you want to come over to my house right now?"
New Horizons did even better by getting rid of timed visits altogether. Unscheduled "right now" visits are the best way. Timed/scheduled visits can be a problem because we could be forgetful and/or something can come up. I can usually cheese the system by just waiting in my house the whole time, but this is only for when villagers are coming over to your house, not the other way around. Since planned visits are rare in City Folk, I mostly worry about this in New Leaf, since it is a lot more frequent, like atrociously frequent. Planned visits are EXTREMELY RARE in New Horizons for some reason. My only issue with the frequency in WildWorld and especially New Leaf (since they can also ask you to their house, which you cannot do from the get go) was that you were forced to wait. City Folk, not so much because of how rare they are in that version. Again, I am glad New Horizons did away with this rigmarole altogether. I am completely okay with my favorite villagers asking to come over to my house and vice-versa, but the game should not force me to wait. ._.
Some of you may not like the OP-related features, and that's okay, but they should be available and optional, so people can play as they see fit.