Wait. So your order showed ready for pickup and you still lost it?
I have two currently saying ready for pickup. I have until Monday to get them. I'm going straight after work but now I'm worried. I only needed one (spammed place order for legit 45 minutes for 1 pack then figured I'd try for another for anyone on here and got that pack within a few minutes spamming)
I'm a nervous wreck over this!
Yeah because they didn’t actually reserve it for online orders so anyone who walked in was able to buy it.
When I meant managers, I was referring to the higher ups who decided it was supposed to be online only in the interest of keeping their staff safe in stores. I agree that it’s not the fault of those in the store as they were clearly not informed.
I have two currently saying ready for pickup. I have until Monday to get them. I'm going straight after work but now I'm worried. I only needed one (spammed place order for legit 45 minutes for 1 pack then figured I'd try for another for anyone on here and got that pack within a few minutes spamming)
I'm a nervous wreck over this!