ACNH × Sanrio Crossover Discussion + Question Thread 💗

Were you successful in buying a pack of Sanrio amiibo cards from Target today (03/26)? 🇺🇸

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For any Canadians who purchased the cards from Amazon, what’s the date estimate for arrival? Mine can come anywhere between April and May and I just want to make sure that’s normal.
I'm only hoping that there'd be restocks down the road; Since NH, Nintendo has been listening to customer feedbacks and take corresponding actions to course correct, so hopefully they recognized that there's much larger demand for these amiibo cards and would consider bringing them back (like how they did with the animal crossing edition Switch)
Welp, everything was terrible for that Target thing, wasn't it? I feel like I probably could've gotten cards if I had drove to my Target after seeing the failure of the web site. But I was SO TIRED from getting very little sleep lately and having to get up early for this. I tried for about 30 minutes on, got extremely annoyed that the site never worked for me (I tried spamming the place the order button but it never worked for me), that I gave up after that and went back to sleep for a few hours. Now I have no idea if my Target even has stock anymore, and I feel angry enough that I'm not going to bother.

I honestly feel like the only true winners from all of this are going to be the scalpers and the sellers of the fake cards. Good job, Nintendo and Target.
No restock at Best Buy for Canada, I checked local stores stock & online and I don't see anything. Hopefully within a week or 2 more stock will be added?
Oh okay. I'll try to ignore it. I really hope you're right because otherwise I'd just 🤬
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So many disappointed Twitter post. Wow this really hasn't been a good day for many people. Especially those who work up early. This disappointed me more than when I woke up to no Christmas. At least then I knew I wasn't getting anything. Wow. I hope this gets extended by a day or we get a restock or something..
I got you!
I hope Tajikey gets your pack so that you can be happy ♡
I did!
I hope so too ! I'm sure he will and if not. I guess I wasn't never to meant have Etoile 💔
Your having Etoile was 100% meant to be. How could it not? Now, you're going to have to trust an internet stranger with your home address :)
I got my pack from Target! They literally had a guy standing behind a counter handing them out and there was a line when I got there, but i got mine! It seems like they were doing their best to avoid selling to scalpers which is always good!
I feel very lucky I got a pack ordered and extremely grateful my mom went and got my pack. It took about 40 minutes and had to put the cards back in my cart a few times but eventually it worked. I feel bad for anyone that couldn’t get a pack and hope they try to restock. I’m pretty sure the only reason I got one was my target did online only. I called them when trying to order and they gave me a phone number to call.
i’m so thankful that i was able to buy a pack but i hate that so many of you are disappointed and frustrated. your feelings are completely valid and i really wish that this launch had gone more smoothly - regardless of whether it’s nintendo’s fault or the stores, it’s not fair that you guys have had such a hard time today. i hope that everyone will be able to get a pack eventually but if not, if anyone is still looking for sanrio items by the time that my cards arrive, i’ll gladly order some items free of charge. :) 💖
My friend has had Sanrio cards for a few years, and as soon as the update went through, they were able to buy the furniture and items without any issue.
oh good gosh people are mad at nintendo and target o-o

which i completely understand (though i'm not sure if the anger should be more towards target or nintendo or both). i'm upset too cus i was really hoping to get the whole sanrio set. and seeing how many scalpers bought them just to sell them online for way more is so sad. that part isn't nintendo or target's fault really, but the low quantity they sold plays into it alot and the poor communication between the two. apparently there was supposed to be a limit of two packs per person at target and they were supposed to fulfill online orders first, but there was poor communication so people just waltzed in and bought them all before anyone else could. not sure how true that is as i'm just getting my info off of twitter, but yeesh this whole thing could've gone a lot better.

all in all please be kind to target and nintendo employees during all of this (not accussing anyone, i just know this happens). they're having to go through all of this and probably people yelling at them for being out of stock when they have no control over that. blame the companies and not their employees. and i hope that everyone wanting the cards can get them.
Quick question. Can't seem to Google an answer. So I 'bought two packs of sanrio. I have not picked them up yet. Says its ready for pick up. I have 3 nintendo switches. One is mine, ones my daughters share and one my sons share. I intended to use one pack for us and give the other away to someone who missed out. I read somewhere that they are account locked. Is this true? Or switch locked? I'm stressing!
Quick question. Can't seem to Google an answer. So I 'bought two packs of sanrio. I have not picked them up yet. Says its ready for pick up. I have 3 nintendo switches. One is mine, ones my daughters share and one my sons share. I intended to use one pack for us and give the other away to someone who missed out. I read somewhere that they are account locked. Is this true? Or switch locked? I'm stressing!
No, they aren't locked. You and your children will all be able to use the same cards. :)
Quick question. Can't seem to Google an answer. So I 'bought two packs of sanrio. I have not picked them up yet. Says its ready for pick up. I have 3 nintendo switches. One is mine, ones my daughters share and one my sons share. I intended to use one pack for us and give the other away to someone who missed out. I read somewhere that they are account locked. Is this true? Or switch locked? I'm stressing!

amiibos are not account or Switch locked. You don't have to worry about that.
I'm from Canada and I wasn't able to buy one, I'm so disappointed. I was following the updates but they sold those while I was away, anyway my computer is so slow.
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No restock at Best Buy for Canada, I checked local stores stock & online and I don't see anything. Hopefully within a week or 2 more stock will be added?

They restocked around 11am-12pm but it probably didn't last 5 min.