We still have a lot of faults that NSider's overcome... It works the opposite way, but there aren't as many errors on NSider as there are here.Koehler said:You'll learn to get over it. Nsider's ok but TBT ROX!
If I was an NSider mod I'd actually enforce their friend code sharing policy even more, since I totally understand the reason for why we can't and shouldn't trade friend codes with people we hardly know...PrinceBoo said:I totally agree! And tbt has Friend Code sharing w00t!! Now thats way better!Koehler said:I prefer TBT but it's all a matter of opinion. Nsider's too hectic for me.
Yeah, but TBT is less.........hectic. I like it here, I joined because it ahd friend code sharing. *sniff* My first forum!Bulerias said:If I was an NSider mod I'd actually enforce their friend code sharing policy even more, since I totally understand the reason for why we can't and shouldn't trade friend codes with people we hardly know...PrinceBoo said:I totally agree! And tbt has Friend Code sharing w00t!! Now thats way better!Koehler said:I prefer TBT but it's all a matter of opinion. Nsider's too hectic for me.
Although, a little of it never hurts, I guess, but still, trading at NSider is and should be off-limits. I won't take seeing "omg letz trade teh fcs!!!!1!!!1" everywhere.