All A Board - Now Closed!

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🍭❄️ C A N D Y R U S H ❄️🍭
Make your way through the board as fast as possible with the most amount of candy canes.
(I don't have my drawing tablet with me while I am on holiday, so here is what I did with what I had.)


❄️ All players start at the first space.
❄️ Roll a dice to see who plays in what order (highest to lowest). Dice rolls are one to six.
❄️ The objective is to collect the most candy canes. All players start with zero candy canes.
❄️ The first player to reach the finish space ends the game.
❄️ Certain spaces will reduce your amount of candy canes by one, or slip and slide you down or across the board.
🎁 🐚 Hermit Christmas 🐚🎁

Who knew Kapp'n sometimes works for Jingle?!
Assist Kapp'n and navigate the beach to deliver gifts to hermit crabs on a remote beach. Maybe they asked for a new shell?

> Players start at the dock with Kapp'n. Role one dice and obtain a gift. Players may obtain more than one gift before delivering to a hermit.
> Beware of pitfalls! If a player lands on a pit fall, they lose their next role.
> Slimy Seaweed! If a player lands on seaweed, they jump back one space in disgust.
> Finding Gulliver. If a player lands on Gulliver they must stay and listen to Gulliver. Player must roll an odd number to leave Gulliver.
> Found a Lost Gift? Lucky You! You have an additional gift to carry and deliver!
> A star not from the ocean. If a player lands on a star fragment they get to have a double roll.
> Hermit Crabs! They look forward to your visit! All gifts carried must be delivered to the crab you land on.
> Empty Dock. Players must roll an even number for Kapp'n to pick them up for more gift delivering. The number rolled must be divided in half for the player to land on their square.

🎄How to win
The player who delivers the predetermined winning number of gifts first, wins!
@LaBelleFleur Hello! Just wanted to ask if there is a problem with my entry because it didn't get accepted as the only one. Thank you!
Believe it or not, I had this 95% done almost immediately and then never had the time to make the cards that I've placed around the edges. So I hope this idea still feels as fun and unique as it did to me on day one!

The game: Campsite Crafternoon

You will need a four-sided die, player tokens of your choosing, scrap paper and pencil, and the provided game board and cards.

Your favorite Animal Crossing villager has appeared in your campsite! But they've got pretty specific preferences. You have to successfully craft three items of the villager's choice in order to convince them to move into your town.

Alternate turns between players. On your turn, toll the die and advance that number of spaces. If you land on a space with raw crafting materials, collect the materials depicted on that space. (You may keep track of your totals on scrap paper.) If your roll would take you past a star, stop on the star space and draw a crafting card. If you have enough materials to craft that item, you succeed! Collect the crafted item and proceed past the star on your next roll. If you don't have enough materials, discard that card and return to the previous save point (blue exclamation point).

Play continues until one person has crafted all three items and invited their dream villager.

actually had something far more elaborate in mind, but I've been unfortunately way too out of things this past week+ to get it past anything more than brainstorming


2+ players

roll a die, and based on where you land, gain the following effects

blue bauble: double the result of your roll next turn
green bauble: roll again
yellow bauble: roll again, go backwards the amount rolled
red bauble: halve the result of your roll next turn (rounded down, cannot go lower than 1)
coal: lose a turn

no effect if a player lands on a spot another player occupies. the winner is the first person to reach the end after a full turn cycle of all players has concluded. if multiple players reach the end in a turn cycle, then the result is a draw and those players must now work backwards back to the start. repeat as needed from start to end and end to start until a single winner emerges triumphant

I don't know if I'm worse at decorating gingerbread or drawing gingerbread
Players compete to make the most cookies for Jingle! Each player begins with 5 cookies and that number can increase or decrease depending on what square they land on:
cat cookie = +1
broken cookie = -1
fire = -2
mischief = steal a cookie from an opponent!
Here is my board game! 🥰

It's a simple game - the little gnomes are trying to get to the top of the snow mountains where the cabins are! However, this mountain is very slippery and if you aren't careful you'll start to slide back down.

You roll a dice to figure out how many spaces you get to move! First one to the top wins.


The objective of Krampusnacht is to escape from the Cave at the start and make it back Home. To win, you must have more Nice points than Naughty points. If a Player reaches Home with more Naughty points than Nice points, they lose.

What You'll Need
- 2 Standard 6-sided Dice (d6)
- 2 4-sided Dice (d4)
- Pencil and Paper or other way to track points

How To Play
- Roll 1 standard 6-sided die to move.

Board Spaces Explained

- Christmas Card: Draw a card with a positive effect.
- Gift: +1 Nice Point
- Milk & Cookies: +2 Nice Points
- St. Nicholas's Blessing: +3 Nice Points. Player rolls a d6, moves forward that many spaces, ignores any negative effects of space landed on.


- Basket: Players who land on the Basket are CAPTURED by Krampus. Captured players must roll two d6 and roll a double. Rolling a double frees the player, but failing allows Krampus to roll 2 d4 and carry the player backward that many spaces, eventually ending at the Cave. Captured players do not gain positive effects of spaces Krampus carries them to. All turns players spend in the Cave accrue -1 Nice Point and +1 Naughty Point.
- Coal: +1 Naughty Point
- Krampus Card: Draw a card with a negative effect.
- Rute: -2 Nice Points. Krampus rolls 1 d4 and the player moves back however many spaces the die lands on.

Toy Day Star Reclamation

Toy Day Star Reclamation

With utter greed, a thief tried to steal the Toy Day star. In an act of desperation, the star shattered itself into seasonal fragments. As a result, winter started to fade into summer as the snow continued to melt through the town. Celeste with the help of Jingle has devised a plan to restore the Toy Day star. Will you help them save winter and Toy Day as we know it?

Number of Players 3-5

How to play:

There are two decks of cards.

Star cards:

These cards allow you to accumulate holiday spirit and progress through the board. Holiday spirit must be acquired to pick up a fragment to be placed back into the sky with its corresponding astrological sign. You will need to replace all star fragments before reaching the end at the museum to save the Toy Day star to win the game. The player with the most holiday cheer after a successful completion saves winter, Toy Day, and wins the game.

Redd cards:

You’re the thief, follow the cards to trip up other players and hopefully win the game by preventing the re-establishment of the Toy Day star. If you succeed in preventing the other players from restoring the star you have successfully stolen Toy Day and won the game.

Special Items

Dig spot – you lose a fragment if you land on this spot

Villager – Draw another star card to obtain more holiday cheer

Star Fragment- Pick up a free star fragment

Snow Bunny- Bunny protection blessing. You’re safe from one thief’s attack.

Warp pipe- use this to move freely on the board. May be used while passing the space.
Animal Crossing is LIFE


Hello! This is the Animal Crossing version of LIFE.
Collect FRIENDSHIP PINWHEELS as you move around-- the direction you move is up to you! The first person to collect 10 PINWHEELS wins!

The game can be played with up to 4 players. Each player chooses a villager figurine, which is wearing an open backpack on the back (not shown) with a cavity for storing the pinwheels.
The player who hasn't played any Animal Crossing game in the longest time (or has never played Animal Crossing) goes first.

On your turn:
1. Spin the spinner. Move your car forwards or back the number of spaces (if possible).
2. If you landed on a blue or green spot, draw the indicated card. If you landed on the FAST TRACK spot, ride the train through the tunnel to the other side of the board!
3. That ends your turn. The player to your left goes next.
I made a board game in which, the path you go depends on your space camp quarters- Quarter Lap!


Similar to snakes and ladders, players take turns to roll a dice. If they land on their quarter's icon, you get to move an extra +3, whereas if you land on another quarters, you must move back two spaces. First player to the finish line wins!​
Santa's jolly gifts! Collect the most points (determined by the gift on the space you land on, using one dice) to win! You can only go down each chimney once, if you land on a chimney space for a second time, then you cannot go down said chimney.

Lump of coal: -1 points
Candy cane: 1 point
Red stocking: 2 points
Santa's gift bag: 4 points


This is a board game about a monk who receives Kagami mochi offerings for the new year at the temple. Little did anyone know that mochi is his favourite food… Will he be able to resist this earthly temptation?

To win the game, get the most check marks. How many times will he be able to resist the temptation?


  • Check mark: he successfully resisted eating mochis.
  • Mochi: he wasn’t able to resist and ate the mochi(s).
  • Thief snow bunny: he was about to eat a mochi but all his daily supplies were stolen by a snow bunny thief.
  • Animal paw print: he was about to eat a mochi but some animals got there before him.
  • Snake: The mochi(s) he was about to eat got stolen by a snake.
  • Ditto: He was about to eat a mochi but turns out it was Ditto. It ran away.
  • Infinity mochi: he could not resist the temptation and can’t stop eating mochis.
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