Believe it or not, I had this 95% done almost immediately and then never had the time to make the cards that I've placed around the edges. So I hope this idea still feels as fun and unique as it did to me on day one!
The game:
Campsite Crafternoon
You will need a four-sided die, player tokens of your choosing, scrap paper and pencil, and the provided game board and cards.
Your favorite Animal Crossing villager has appeared in your campsite! But they've got pretty specific preferences. You have to successfully craft
three items of the villager's choice in order to convince them to move into your town.
Alternate turns between players. On your turn, toll the die and advance that number of spaces. If you land on a space with raw crafting materials, collect the materials depicted on that space. (You may keep track of your totals on scrap paper.) If your roll would take you past a star,
stop on the star space and draw a crafting card. If you have enough materials to craft that item, you succeed! Collect the crafted item and proceed past the star on your next roll. If you don't have enough materials, discard that card and
return to the previous save point (blue exclamation point).
Play continues until one person has crafted all three items and invited their dream villager.