Selling Amiibo Villagers @ 25 TBT/ea | Over 60+ villagers available!

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My gates are opened now. Please come and grab Marshal and let me know here if any difficulties. Please send the tbt once you have picked him up. c:

- - - Post Merge - - -

@Senni - I've now scanned in Pecan. I'll probably box her tomorrow morning so you can pick her up 11pm your time. c:
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Villagers Requested: Marshal (if you can invite him again? Idk how amiibo villagers work tbh)
Total: 25tbt
FC: in sidebar!
Mayor: ava
Town: l?rien
Timezone: MT
Availability: 6am-7am, 4pm-1am

I confirm I have added your FC!
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Villagers Requested: Willow! So glad you have her!
Total: 25 TBT
FC: In sidebar!
Mayor: Sophie
Town: Magnolia
Timezone: CT
Availability: Most of the day today, and in general 5pm-9pm.
Hi, are you free to pick up Willow now?

- - - Post Merge - - -

@ Ava - It depends on when you last had him. Is he one of the last 16 villagers to leave? If so, he's still in your '16 villager cycle' and you won't be able to adopt him.
No worries, I'm just taking care of another order first but will be right with you. c:

- - - Post Merge - - -

Let me know when you're ready. c:
My gate is opened now and you can go and get her. Just met know here if there are any issues and send tbt when done. c:
Hi, are you free to pick up Willow now?

- - - Post Merge - - -

@ Ava - It depends on when you last had him. Is he one of the last 16 villagers to leave? If so, he's still in your '16 villager cycle' and you won't be able to adopt him.

I haven't had him before so he isn't in my cycle.
Great! Then you should be fine to pick him up. are you free now for me to box him for you?

- - - Post Merge - - -

OHHH, I just realised that you meant if /I/ can invite him again. yes, if you have the amiibo you can invite him even if he's still in your cycle. c:
That does work! I'll box him for you now and you can pop by when you're ready.

- - - Post Merge - - -

he's in boxes and my gate is opened. c:
No worries, take good care of him! He's a favorite of mine.
would you happen to have merengue or peaches? ;o
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