Selling Amiibo Villagers @ 25 TBT/ea | Over 60+ villagers available!

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I don't have Wolfgang unfortuntely.

I've scanned in Shep and Bam so I'll be ready to box them for you when you're ready. c:
okay! give me a few and I'll let you know when my gate is opened! :)

- - - Post Merge - - -

My gate is now opened and you can pick up Bam!
Villagers Requested: Stitches !
Total: 25 tbt
FC: Sidebar!
Mayor: Mella
Town: Nyaville
Timezone: Pacific Time
Availability: 2pm - 1am

Added your FC!
no worries! I'll also need a few to get ready on this side. c:
My gates are opened now and you can come over and grab Stitches. Feel free to roam around by yourself and grab him and let me know when you're done here or just send tbt. c:
Villagers Requested:pecan
Total: 1 (25 tbt)
FC: 1478-8134-1093
Mayor: Sen Sen
Town: Felicity
Timezone: EST
Availability: Monday 11pm or Wednesday at like 3pm

I haven't added you yet but I can later!!
I'm at work right now but will look into this when I get home!
New cards: Gala, Marshal, Willow, Octavian and Marina
Villagers Requested: Marshal
Total: 25tbt
FC: Sidebar
Mayor: Marea
Town: Velvet
Timezone: GMT+3
Availability: now - 11pm (GMT+3)

I confirm that I have added your friend-code
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