Selling Amiibo Villagers @ 25 TBT/ea | Over 60+ villagers available!

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I think there might be a posting glitch?

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When are you available? Can you possibly fill out the form?
Villagers Requested: Deirdre
Total: 25 TBT
FC: sidebar
Mayor: alyssa
Town: Osaka
Timezone: Perth, Western Australia
Availability: i usually wake up at 9-10am and am most active around here at 7pm-12am
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Villagers Requested: Marina
Total: 25 TBT
FC: 4742-9050-7426
Mayor: Reila
Town: Prince
Timezone: Not sure, but I am usually online
Availability: Most of the time, really.

I no longer own the below cards:
#286 Cube
#298 Derwin
#326 Dizzy
#361 Purrl

I will have some new cards replacing them shortly.
Villagers Requested: #242 Chevre ♀ Normal Goat
Total: 25 TBT
FC: <-
Mayor: Magnus
Town: V?ga
Timezone: CET
Availability: ?

I confirm that I have added your friend-code.
Hi, sorry, I just woke up. Are you available now? I''ll be on and off all day.
Hi, sorry, I just woke up. Are you available now? I''ll be on and off all day.

I already added you and I am available but not for long it's like 10AM here.
Villagers Requested: Octavian
Total: 25tbt
FC: sidebar
Mayor: luna
Town: kokoro
Timezone: pst
Availability: throughout the day
I added you
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Okay, I'll scan Chevre in now.

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And you can let me know when you're online and I can box her.

I'm also scanning in Octavian. Are you available now?
Okay, I'll scan Chevre in now.

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And you can let me know when you're online and I can box her.

I'm also scanning in Octavian. Are you available now?

I'm online now and checking often so just send me a PM !
Alright, I'll box Chevre first and then Octavian. C:

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Chevre is in boxes and my gate is opened! Please let me know on here if there are any issues, otherwise, feel free to roam around without me and send the tbt when done!
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