Selling Amiibo Villagers @ 25 TBT/ea | Over 60+ villagers available!

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Is there any way that you can lower the price, Im so confused since im new to this site if not Its completely understandable.
Villagers Requested:paolo
FC: 1521-8448-0266
Mayor: Voltage
Town: Electris
Timezone: CST
Availability: anytime just PM me
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Hey, I've boxed Paolo and my gates are opened. Feel free to come in and grab him without me and send the tbt when done. I'm leaving for work now but let me know if you have any issues connecting on TBT. :)
Sorry for the delay. I've added you now and the gate is.opened.
Villagers Requested: Chevre
Total: 25 tbt
FC: 1934-1275-9814
Mayor: Ilse
Town: Rosmarin
Timezone: EST
Availability: Typically daily from 9am to 10pm

Thank you so much! <3
Villagers Requested: Nana
Total: 25 tbt
FC: sidebar (I believe we've already added each other)
Mayor: Ava
Town: Avian
Timezone: EST
Availability: anytime after 1 pm

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ok. I'm just waiting for someone to pick up a villager and then will box Nana for you. :)
Nana is in boxes and my gate is opened!

- - - Post Merge - - -

Apologies. I've been having severe wifi issues today. -_-
CST 1am-12am alday/alnight
villager: Dotty
fc# in sig
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