Selling Amiibo Villagers @ 25 TBT/ea | Over 60+ villagers available!

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Okay!! I just need to check if Blanche unpacked! :) one sec!

- - - Post Merge - - -

Looks like I'm ready! Got Blanche and she unpacked! :) Ready~~!
Villagers Requested: Marshal
Total: 25 tbt
FC: 2122-9787-0073
Mayor: Zoe
Town: Eggville
Timezone: EST
Availability: Ill be on for another hour tonight (until 12:00 AM EST), and then tomorrow I should be on from 11 AM-8PM EST c:

I confirm that I have added your friend-code.
i'll get Marshal ready for you now. I'll let you know when my gate is opened. :)

- - - Post Merge - - -

My gate is opened! Feel free to grab him without me, and send tbt when done. I'll be pretty afk.
I’ve been eyeing your Paolo, but the villager I need to move just won’t request so itll be a little while. I’ll come here right away when it does happen though. :)
Hey! not sure if you still have stitches, but I'm willing to pay 50 tbt for him. Let me know :)

Villagers Requested: stitches
Total: 1
FC: 5172-1699-9205
Mayor: Bella
Town: Bean
Timezone: GMT
Availability: 6-9:30PM
I absolutely can help you with Stitches. Do you have space right now?
Thanks for your patience! My gate is opened now and you can coem over. Feel free to roam. around without me an grab him. :)
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