Selling Amiibo Villagers @ 25 TBT/ea | Over 60+ villagers available!

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Villagers Requested: Marshal
Total: 25
FC: 4957-7623-0240
Mayor: Mochi
Town: Komorebi
Timezone: PST
Availability: 9 PM - 1 AM (today and tomorrow, Friday all day)
Marshal is boxed and my gate is opened. As usual, please feel free to roam around without me and grab him and just send me tbt when done.
Hm, I may close this thread soon. Feel's like there aren't so many people seeking villagers anymore.
Villagers Requested: Phoebe
Total: 25
FC: sidebar
Mayor: Aurora
Town: Stardust
Timezone: gmt+2
Availability: now (8pm - probably 2am) and tomorrow from 2pm the whole day
She's in boxes and my gate is opened. Feel free to get her without me.
Villagers Requested: Blanche and Pashmina
Total: 50 tbt
FC: 4485-0027-6995
Mayor: Yerielle
Town: NiNee
Timezone: MST
Availability: Will be online from now until 5PM MST

I confirm that I have added your friend-code.
Hi, who would you like first?

Whichever easier for you is fine. I have 3 spots for villagers to come! :)

After getting the first villager, I need to FF the time to get another villager!
thank you
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Okay, blanche is ready and I'm opening my gates for you now. :)
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