Villagers Requested: Pashmina
Total: 25TBT
FC: 4914-7218-3376
Mayor: Chai
Town: Tealeaf
Timezone: Central (GMT-6)
Availability: 8am-11pm for the next few days (for the most part)
Due to time differences, I'll box Pashmina for you before I go to sleep in a few hours and you can pick her up whenever. I'll vm you when my gate is opened. c:
Shep is in boxes and my gate is opened. I've added your FC. You'll need to add mine before you can get him but my gates will be opened. Please let me know here if there are any issues connecting.
Villagers Requested: Purrl
Total: 25 TBT
FC: sidebar
Mayor: Odette
Town: Sanbrook
Timezone: ET
Availability: 3:30-11 PM on weekdays, usually all day on weekends.
That sounds great with me! I could probably get her tomorrow morning, as I wake up for school at around 6:30 AM and I'm at home until around 7:20 AM, which would be around 8:30-9:20 PM for you.