Selling Amiibo Villagers @ 25 TBT/ea | Over 60+ villagers available!

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Are you available now? I can get you stitches.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Sorry, I don't have Octavian
I'm sorry I'm not available until Saturday, maybe tomorrow night. Is that a problem?
No, it's fine, but can you please fill out my form?
So I have your availability and time zones.
Hey, I've still got Stitches in boxes and my gate is opened for you. Feel free to drop by whenever. I'm heading to sleep soon.
Villagers Requested: Deirdre!
Total: 25 tbt
FC: sidebar :)
Mayor: Vic
Town: Fellrock
Timezone: BST
Availability: pretty much all day currently! generally 8am-8pm, I can do whatever suits you since you're 9 hrs ahead :p

I confirm that I have added your friend-code.
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Villagers Requested: Stitches
Total: 25 tbt
FC: 0490-9500-6508
Mayor: Crystal
Town: Snowfall
Timezone: PST
Availability: Throughout the day

I confirm that I have added your friend-code.
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Hey! Are you available now for Stitches?

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Above posted aimed at LunaLight. I've got Stitches boxed up for someone else right now but I can easily scan him back in for them after.

@Crawkey -

I can box Deirdre for you after. I've already scanned them in. c:
Okay, I'll add your code now and open my gate. Will let you know when ready. Shouldn't take long. c:

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My gate is now open!

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Feel free to come by and grab stitches. I'll be pretty afk. Let me know on here when you're done and send the tbt then. c:
Okay give me a few minutes to box Deirdre and open my gates for you. c:

- - - Post Merge - - -

My gate is now open and you are free to come over! Feel free to roam around without me, and let me know here when you've picked Deirdre up!
@porkiepie28 - I'm going to sleep but I've left my gate open for you to get Stitches. Let me know if any issues, otherwise feel free to roam around on your own and send me the tbt when done.
Cheers, thanks!

- - - Post Merge - - -

@Chouchou - are you still interested in Stitches/Moe?
@spiritslive99 - are you still interested in Deirdre?
Hello again~

Villagers Requested: Hans
Total: 25tbt
FC: 0490-9500-6508
Mayor: Crystal
Town: Snowfall
Timezone: PST
Availability: Throughout the day

I confirm that I have added your friend-code.
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