Mafia Among Us Mafia Game Thread (Town Win!)

I'm still holding true to my suspicions from yesterday, and my potential maf team reads (Trundle/Annika/Ness/Ribbit) are still the main ones I have. Everyone else is either a lesser mafia lean or a townie.
also the fact unravel hadnt (imo) done anything to warrant it at that stage
This reads weird to me. Do you think unravel has done something to warrant sus now? Or do you know unravel is mafia?
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Man, if Dolby is deepwolf I'm so screwed this game
Lemme find my unravel read so I can contribute to this!
Extra Read
Unravel: While they have barely posted due to conflicting timezones, what I did gather showed mainly Townie with a hint of Mafia undertones. I'll keep a close eye on them to see how their actions unfold.
^found it, this was from yesterday, before they became more active
Lemme find my unravel read so I can contribute to this!

^found it, this was from yesterday, before they became more active
No offense but this read has literally no reasoning, and it's not even really a read. Mainly townie with a hint of mafia undertones? What does that mean?
No offense but this read has literally no reasoning, and it's not even really a read. Mainly townie with a hint of mafia undertones? What does that mean?
basically, I saw unravel as a person who acted mainly like a townie, but occasionally let Mafia behavior slip. Hence the undertone of maf I got from them.
Ok, what mafia behaviour? What did you see?
It was mainly these two posts back on page 39 (this one and this one) that gave maf undertones. They said that they were the 1st voter to go for Zinnia, yet they didn't push anyone else to vote for her. I still believe that some of the Mafia teammates collaborated on the Zinnia vote, and I think unravel is one of them. This suspicion is very light ATM, as I haven't found any other posts with Mafia undertones by them. The 2nd post said that Zinnia was an easy target, which I think was an accidental post. Why would a townie say that? It just sounds so out of place for a Town!Unravel to say.
It was mainly these two posts back on page 39 (this one and this one) that gave maf undertones. They said that they were the 1st voter to go for Zinnia, yet they didn't push anyone else to vote for her. I still believe that some of the Mafia teammates collaborated on the Zinnia vote, and I think unravel is one of them. This suspicion is very light ATM, as I haven't found any other posts with Mafia undertones by them. The 2nd post said that Zinnia was an easy target, which I think was an accidental post. Why would a townie say that? It just sounds so out of place for a Town!Unravel to say.
The thing is that I didn't push everyone to vote for Zinnia and it was my own choice to vote for her because in my POV (I didn't witness EoD cuz I'm sleeping that time) she is out of place and as I mentioned in my previous post I don't think the mafia will vote for Zinnia because she more into a spotlight compare to me and Ribbit. they would rather scather around because by the next day they will investigate on Zinnia's sudden vote
I don't think the mafia will vote for Zinnia because she more into a spotlight compare to me and Ribbit. they would rather scather around because by the next day they will investigate on Zinnia's sudden vote
the wording here is so weird 🫣
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I may be reaching lol
I don't think the mafia will vote for Zinnia because she more into a spotlight compare to me and Ribbit. they would rather scather around because by the next day they will investigate on Zinnia's sudden vote
Care to elaborate more on your wording? If someone had a brighter spotlight of suspicion over them than someone else, why would Mafia go for people that aren't as sus? If anything, they would go for the person that was more suspicious to blend in with the crowd and avoid detection.
This reads weird to me. Do you think unravel has done something to warrant sus now? Or do you know unravel is mafia?
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Man, if Dolby is deepwolf I'm so screwed this game
no i just hadnt read the whole thread
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oh rip i missed ur whole other post
I think i get what unravel means?

Like, maf would stay off of the main wagon (spotlight) and spread votes over other wagons. Then d2 point to the zinnia wagon and say those voters were maf?
I think i get what unravel means?

Like, maf would stay off of the main wagon (spotlight) and spread votes over other wagons. Then d2 point to the zinnia wagon and say those voters were maf?
I was specifying the wording in particular surrounding they which unravel conflates between both mafia and town in that sentence. Sounds like a perspective confused sentence!
the wording here is so weird 🫣
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I may be reaching lol
Wait, I have an idea. In one of your past posts, you said that you were screwed if Dolby was maf. If you die at any point, we, the living, will have an instant suspicion. So, all we need to do is figure out who everyone would target if they were Mafia, and watch those people to see if they die. If they do, we can refer back to the potential target post and find the maf much faster.
I think i get what unravel means?

Like, maf would stay off of the main wagon (spotlight) and spread votes over other wagons. Then d2 point to the zinnia wagon and say those voters were maf?
This, plus they didn't cast a kill during the night as well. from what I'm seeing they're playing safe that's all
I was specifying the wording in particular surrounding they which unravel conflates between both mafia and town in that sentence. Sounds like a perspective confused sentence!
Oh, ok. I read the they as referring to maf both times, which made sense to me. As in they (maf) would vote other than zinnia, and they (maf) would point to those zinnia votes d2.

I could be reading it all wrong though.

Tbh I'm feeling totally crap at figuring all this out. None of my individual sus fit into teams.

Re shiny post above with trundle/annika/ness/ribbit.

I see ribbit and trundle as like, polar opposite, if that makes sense. As in- working against each other, not working together.

Ness seems fishy to me just in some statements. An example - saying i was pushing the wagons eod yesterday when i was doing the opposite, lol. Maybe he hadn't read thru the whole thing yet, or missed some things.

Annika i just can't read, esp after kingmaker. Annika can look incredibly wolfy, but it seems the meaningless posts (weh, lol) are just that - meaningless. I mean, i don't think wolf anyone would play that way?

I need to look at a few things rq.
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This, plus they didn't cast a kill during the night as well. from what I'm seeing they're playing safe that's all

I think (hope) it was a town save last night.

I can't see maf not killing anyone, so when nobody was nk, I figured it may be a case of a lucky doc saving someone.

But ig it could be strategy.

lol sorry about that line regarding TN4U’s wall. I was super tired and the thought of reading something that long felt to long.

Trundle I think you’re reaching on unravel

Unravel, mafia probably tried to kill someone but were stopped by doc. Either that or you just made the funniest mafia slip in all of TBT history

Betsy is kinda bringing it back in more recent posting but I feel that her posting in mid 800s to mid 900s was more about looking good than solving for the most part.

Annika feels like a good vote rn.
i have woken up and as promised, i am coming for you @Dolby

this is not something i wanted to get into until tomorrow because:
1. i didn’t want to bash heads with dolby yet
2. this looks like a giant omgus. i am aware of that but it will make sense in a minute.

but if i’m going back and deciding to drop my trundle read, anyone i push today will make zero sense without delving into this. so let me start off with this:

i think my push was to take suspicion off of a mafia member who was getting eyed over way too early.

reasons for this:
-state of the game d1 was mostly focused on trundle’s early reads and pushing back on ideas that they were mafia, one worked and one didn’t
-even when i specifically said those were my early reads, i kept getting asked over and over again why and being lumped into the idea that i was on some agreement with tn4u with those being definitive. just the general reaction feels fishy
-and also in general today, against what i would think of a maf!trundle, he is picking up some steam.

if i assume one of the bws was in fact for a mafia member, that makes unravel mafia in my eyes. which means the other bws were mafia created/supported. the obvious answer here is zinnia’s was mafia jumping on it, but looking at the voters that doesn’t quite make sense.

Zinnia. (5): unravel TN4U voltairenism ribbitribbon Yoshi155

what exactly could the team be here

volt doesn’t pair well with any of these people, i think it’s obvious me and unravel aren’t a team, people (dolby) have said me and tn4u are not aligned, yoshi is a wild card and could potentially pair with anyone here, but it’s just not enough for a maf team. if zinnia’s bw was mafia propaganda i think it would be a little more obvious than this.
I think i get what unravel means?

Like, maf would stay off of the main wagon (spotlight) and spread votes over other wagons. Then d2 point to the zinnia wagon and say those voters were maf?
ty for saying this while i’m typing this

actually there were two more voters for zinnia who switched due to trundle saying her wagon looked suspicious. those are ness and mogyay

ness went to unravel but mog went to my bw. now i didn’t even care to read into that at all until frosty today wondered if that bw reeked of mafia. if it did what could even be the reason for trying to kill me off

but who started my bw in the first place at a time mog was under the radar

@Dolby i am certain you see where i am going with this.

if i or anyone for that matter started specifically pinging people to demand they think of someone as being mafia, of course they are going to be fossed. if you can think of a decent case for it it won’t look random

my theory is that trundle caught onto mog way too early and dolby’s reaction was to find someone else to focus town’s attention to. there are not nearly enough quotes i have in this for my liking but i wanted to get this out and now i will go back and find quotes ik in the back of my mind are out there to talk about this more.

i have already said why unravel’s bw resist could be that she’s just mafia and how dino’s vote was suspicious to me, in theory if the bws were v/v/v this still links the other three, which hopped onto a bw that would get less attention than the one that would succeed to look townier with low risk

and unravel staying on zinnia and mog switching makes me think maf was fine with zinnia in the first place

there’s one dolby line that i remember what the exact quote was and it looks like setup for if my bw did work or, tn4u got voted out bc ik he was getting dog piled on for awhile:
Ribbit's posting since last night has been generally fine if not townish and I think he is still the most sus player in the game to me. I think that there's a few slots that he probably isn't on the same team as (zinnia, TN4U). With that said, posting since last night just also does not feel like a town posting to me if you get what I mean with these two statements.
this isn’t the exact quote i’m looking for but omg there are too many dolby posts with tn4u’s name in them -__-

oh also zinnia now that i think about it, this just looks like i’m being setup hard and also! this is super tinfoil but maybe being setup so that i can’t really push back on dolby or this team because it looks like omgus

i will eat and come back to this
Oh his team was actually serious

Man you’re jumping a lot between saying the wagons were v/v/v and holding perspectives that require unravel to be mafia.

if you think Mog’s vote was sus, might I remind you that she had you as sus before I started posting about you.

But also like, you can’t seriously think that the entire mafia team was voting for you?

I guess the idea that I was pushing you to protect Mog who was getting pressure is intriguing, but come on. It was rapidly becoming thread consensus that the Mog push was bad bc of the way you and TN4U joined in on it.
Oh his team was actually serious

Man you’re jumping a lot between saying the wagons were v/v/v and holding perspectives that require unravel to be mafia.

if you think Mog’s vote was sus, might I remind you that she had you as sus before I started posting about you.

But also like, you can’t seriously think that the entire mafia team was voting for you?

I guess the idea that I was pushing you to protect Mog who was getting pressure is intriguing, but come on. It was rapidly becoming thread consensus that the Mog push was bad bc of the way you and TN4U joined in on it.
yeah and why wasn’t the zinnia wagon thread consensused to be wrong? why was it just mog?

i am jumping between it but i think the main points stand if unravel is villager or mafia. i’ll grab the unravel votes rq

unravel (4): Trundle annika radical6 N e s s

if you can make a team out of these please tell me
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do you actually think the votes were just random mafia members voting for whatever villager they felt like