Mafia Among Us Mafia Game Thread (Town Win!)


after thinking (and lying about isoing because i’m going to bed now)

i have come to the conclusion

that the team is dolby/mogyay/dinosaur/unravel

and it makes complete sense and it makes me look extremely narcissistic

once i wake up know that i’m coming for you, dolby
im ngl im dreading reading tn4u's post but as i skimmed it just feels like hes trying to be helpful but not sure how. imma stop hyperfocusing on this game and ****ing eat so ill try to give better thoughts later

after thinking (and lying about isoing because i’m going to bed now)

i have come to the conclusion

that the team is dolby/mogyay/dinosaur/unravel

and it makes complete sense and it makes me look extremely narcissistic

once i wake up know that i’m coming for you, dolby

Bribe dolby to give up his partners. Just offer him an item...😆.

Im an idiot probably, because i dont see the mog thing. Maybe I'm just missing it. I could see dolby. Dunno on dino, possible. Would have to reread unravel.

, I couldn't help but notice a post from Betsy that had me scratching my head (post #728). So, you mean to tell me that Ness originally didn't want to vote Unravel, but wanted to do so after the Zinnia ejection? I'm confused.

Oh - no, that was an ex for something else entirely. Bad communication on my part.
Is there a way to filter in thread like example I wanna search post about Ness? I remember it used to have in old TBT site cuz man its totally pain to double check per page
Is there a way to filter in thread like example I wanna search post about Ness? I remember it used to have in old TBT site cuz man its totally pain to double check per page
click search, change everywhere to this thread, enter username for ISO
to search people who mentioned ness i guess just..type ness in the search box and choose this thread?
Is there a way to filter in thread like example I wanna search post about Ness? I remember it used to have in old TBT site cuz man its totally pain to double check per page
Use the search at the top right of page. Search this thread and then enter either the member or what you're searching.
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click search, change everywhere to this thread, enter username for ISO
to search people who mentioned ness i guess just..type ness in the search box and choose this thread?
Is there a way to filter in thread like example I wanna search post about Ness? I remember it used to have in old TBT site cuz man its totally pain to double check per page
Searching isn’t as good as it used to be. Go to the search box and put in this thread and the username. You have to go to advanced search to have it arranged in chronological order I think. Kinda been a pain for me thus far
Ultimately, after Zinnia's ejection on N1, my reads of the potential mafia members right now would be as follows:
  • ribbitribbon
  • N e s s
  • annika
  • Dinosaur

In this scenario, do you think it's rational for the new player to bus their own teammate? Do you think they decided to do that on their own or were instructed to? Dino voted 3 mins before day end that could have severely backfired on them (maf team) if someone from the Zinnia wagon switched to Ribbit right after (entirely possible too, two people voted after Dino). Even more weird that in this read list you literally wrote

Dinosaur: Literally made the first post on D2, placing a random vote on D1. I'm not going to say they're a wolf solely because of that, but I'll need to see some action before I can fully trust them.

so why are you calling them a wolf right after? Or are you implying you're calling them a wolf for another reason, if so what?

Also why is Dolby a mediator?

In saying that though I would like to talk to you more today. If you wanna be on the same page I am open to hearing you out.
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And since we're talking about ISO mechanics, is there a way to view the iso in chronological order (like most recent to oldest?) I just get this jumbled mess of things that happened at random times and it hurts my brain.
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So when I saw the Zinnia vote was stewing I searched the thread find Zinnia only had 7 total posts in this thread. I looked at each of their posts directly to see if I got any weird vibes from them or thought anything seemed weird in terms of wording or context within the thread. I just didn't see anything I thought was suspicious personally, though that may be because I am a new player myself and I just don't see what more seasoned players might see or are looking for. But then again they were a vanilla town anyway so I don't know lol.

I would like to hear about your thoughts on Ribbit today. And in general if you read more of the game during night and have more reads.
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As much as I Mafia read you, you're right. That whole thing was pretty sus. I think the 4 Mafias are Trundle/Annika/Ribbit/you. Ribbit could be pushing Trundle to seem towny, and divert suspicions away from them to him. If Trundle flips red, Ribbit will be cemented townie in people's minds, and we won't think twice about not voting them. Annika's been examined in the past posts on these recent pages, and I gave my reasoning for my Mafia lean on you in my read list.

We don't talk about maroono no no no🎶

I'm gonna be real I don't understand where these reads are coming from, but that isn't the main point of me quoting you here,

So... who should we vote? I'm down to go for Ribbit based on our collective evidence. What do you think, Ness?

You literally just said you think Ness is mafia. Why are you asking hims who to vote for and why do you think he would agree to one of his apparent teammates in your current world view????? Are you trying to test him here or?
can’t quote stuff not on a computer

Ness you really need to read start of game I feel that your worldview on how the wagons formed is pretty off

Ribbits now abandoned Trundle was bussing unravel take is super weird and I kinda think that that comes from a wolf that wants to capitalize on the opportunity to push town!Trundle while keeping the option to wolfread unravel open. The take also doesn’t really make sense since I think it’s pretty clear that Unravel was like, the second most likely person to be voted out since no one but me was happy with Ribbit as a push.

Volt and Frosty feel like town posting today

Betsy’s EoD vote is weird from her: of all the people who didn’t play TBT mafia back when I used to play it, I view her as the least likely to go off the major wagons onto a vanity wagon at the end of day, and yet she did. I think it’s a really bad look if Unravel/Ribbit are v/v though I guess it could actually be teamed with Ribbit since she did say (thank you for providing these quotes Betsy) that she was mildly sus of him and I think that makes a vote on unravel to protect him look weird but at the same time I’m not informed enough on her zinnia and unravel eod1 takes. And yes I know she has said she felt off about all three wagons but at the same time I think town her knows that a wagon on Trundle is unviable and her best option at the time is to chose a wagon (almost certainly Zinnia for town!her) that does the least harm. The thing that I am actually more certain of and don’t need to investigate: this is going to come off as super egotistical but I think that Betsy doesn’t want to TR me, hasn’t wanted to TR me from the beginning, and had been wanting to doubt my slot. I think she wants to keep me in PoE and keep me out of any town core

Ness TN4U was not a major wagon lol

Tbh I kind of want to call Shiny a bit town for the sheer level of contrarian most of his takesarw

Annika is not a wolf with unravel but could be with Trundle based on my reaction test

Volt and Betsy I’m sorry I ignore your talk but getting anyone to even consider or talk about Ribbit felt like I was pulling teeth about of peoples heads. I think that the circumstances of how the wagon went down makes him less of a sure thing than I thought yesterday, but I still think a lot of what he has posted is wolf shaped and that if we exclude content that I created or forced into existence on him, he was kind of just… not exactly ignored but his slot didn’t get the attention that it should have

I unfortunately think digging to deep into the low posters EoD votes is useless unless one of Ribbit/unravel flips w, and Ribbit flipping w would only help Dinosaur look green

Ok maybe I’m wrong on Betsy wanting to not townread me, 809 is a very good process post and feels pretty pure.

Annika’s eod1 take on Trundle is uninspired. I don’t like it, it ignores crucial context about Trundles participation in the unravel wagon. Also not a good reason to call Betsy towny. Like she is calling the right post on that page individually towny but for the wrong reasons

Tbh Shiny post 845 is a banger and that slot is towny

I do not like the now multiple slots that did nothing to save Zinnia calling the Zinnia wagon bad. both on a game and personal level.

Unravels d2 posting has been towny

Betsy 862 the hedge of all hedges on unravel, Trundle/unravel isn’t a plausible world

Ness townreads ribbit I am in pain

Trundles d2 posting is even townier than his d1 posting

TN4Us wall is to painful to read I’m skipping it and coming back to it tomorrow

Kinda remembered that Ribbit was TRing me until I wolfread him. Bad look for the slot

Ok the wall has “the town” in it, that might be all I need to know tbh. Ness you know I know why

Betsy’s worldview in 919 feeels SOOOO OFF from the worldview she had as mayor when she caught me and Dan a year ago

Trundle had a bit in 930 that isn’t a mindmeld but I kinda of like. Specifically calling Annika’s reads sheeping his own reads. I like this an to extent and think it’s kind of true since it feels that Annika was following eod1 consensus reads.


I think this is a joke but if it isn’t it’s actually outting, particularly the inclusion of unravel

my energy is gone see ya
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@FrostyAlmonds AMA I cannot read more than three posts at a time and this is the only way I can help solve before I crash
@FrostyAlmonds AMA I cannot read more than three posts at a time and this is the only way I can help solve before I crash

Well since you were so kind to help us out earlier and out yourself as wolf. Who are your packmates? 😘

JK. I honestly am just as fried as you. I just wanted to pop in and talk to the newer players who were extremely null day 1. Pls go rest.
gm! i fell asleep early last night, i need to catch up from eon however :

ive decided to 180 on trundle and now think he is mafia hehehe, he was too strange eod, ur screaming that zinnia was obvious town when it was not obvious and yet u only start a bus a little bit before eod when theres no time (i think) for it to pick up steam , also the fact unravel hadnt (imo) done anything to warrant it at that stage , this way u get to avoid sus by not being on that wagon and u also get to act all high and mighty , there's a lot of tmi going on , ur gloating but rly u did the bare minimum to help - u even backtracked a bit on unravel saying it would give no information if they flipped but if someone is a townlock surely that shouldnt matter , idk ur acting weird for me

also sorry if im being sensitive but tn4u is a new player so saying things like "too long not reading that" / "painful to read" is rly annoying lol, its rly discouraging for ppl just trying to play the game
Lmao at people replying at my inquiry thanks but yeah will backread everything when I get home and I can only go online around 7AM Singapore time. I just wanna say I'm still up for voting Ribbot than Trundle/TN4U which I believe would give more information plus i really didn't like their statement from the very start no hard feelings bruh 😮‍💨. Also i really take ir back when I say one of my strong leads is TN4U. It just feels..... Sudden improvement like as if it is scripted which I believe few people pointed out and agree to it
oh. I was confused by your wording and wanted to know what you meant. thanks for clarifying!
soz i accidentally slip into obscure mafia jargon every now and again
Lol. I said that because it's where i currently am.

Darn trundle, that eod is fishy!
Wait, why doesn't x think it's fishy? That's sus!
But wait, what if x is saving trundle?
What if y is bussing trundle?

What if trundle is town and the people disregarding his eod know it thru tmi and know he'll flip green? That makes them wolfy. 🙄

I torture myself.

Omg, it's frosty! 😅
omfg youre so townie
Currently having poop brain rn im dropping this and will continue my suspicions on ribbit, trundle and tn4u
this reads genuine to me. i don’t think a mafia trundle would bother mentioning this again + defending his reason like this.

np my reads are mog/zinni for maf and tn4u/trundle for town. at least those were my reads but you’re making me question both. if i had to replace one maybe i’d townlean dolby over trundle. i went back and forth with him and it didn’t feel wolfy.

my point about trundle is that he claimed it was rxn instead of just saying it was a read. but you’re right honestly, anyone can pull that out as a fall back. i’ll null him for now.

outside of quotes tn4u/trundle team is interesting. i can only see trundle pocketing tn4u. i don’t think that they’re both mafia.

For me in my opinion I'm not feeling Trundle's post but I guess for some people it's just trundle being trundle playstyle
His only post is just guessing the alignment of inactive/newbie players nothing more or less aside from that while people are suspecting Zinnia due to inconsistencies in her post which some of us thought she is werewolf
If mog or Zinnia flips mafia at any point during this game, posts like this are going to give us so much information 🫶

Would you rather I sit around and talk about Zinnia for the entirety of day 1? I'm just exaggerating a hunch. From my POV, this is literally the best thing I could be doing right now, because it generates conversation. If I'm right about mog, then we get to see reactions and it makes later days easier to solve.

My town list:
- Zinnia

My maf list
- unravel

If I'm right about unravel OR mog, then I would say there could be 1 from neutral and 2 from 1 from AFK. 1 wildcard. If I'm right about both then we boolin'

I’m down to chop ribbit or unravel today, but I wouldn’t object to policy AFK kill. Will catch on up the thread soon.

I still wanna push unravel. She showed up, provided incredibly low value re-hashed reads, posted a bunch of nothing / filler, and dipped.

then vote unravel

yeah I'm the driving force behind unravel

am I though? nobody else has voted unravel 😹

Ness please go unravel instead of Zinnia 😭


why does it feel like the yoshi/mog zinnia votes are straight outta mafia chat

dude I don't know I'm having doubts now but I am still sticking to unravel 100%

GL all, when zinnia is town I TOLD YOU SO :lemon:

cop also looking low-key kinda useless with framer and god father so a tracker report is what i want most.

odd wise sure it’s unlikely cop will have a wrong report but the cop isn’t going to check at complete random; they’re gonna go for the top suspicious people and i find not very helpful that a) the mafia won’t frame one of the suspicious people or b) the mafia that gets checked isn’t godfather. i can see how you can read this as fear.

if mog and zinnia are town i would go to trundle and volt. i do want to tr volt so badly but i have just disagreed with them thus far and they ask a lot of questions and don’t really do anything with the answers. sorry volt x2

trundle is obv because started the mog sus line and if mog flipped town he is ultra suspicious
^ if only you would say same thing as unravel and zinnia scenario
cop can also read a framer frame or be roleblocked
as long as cop isn't obvious its fine at the moment people with special roles can go eenie meenie mo because of framer atm

The fact TN4U switch sides and felt scripted, from kept agreeing with trundle to oh no trundle is WW
Trundle's most strongest townread but very inconsistent
In my opinion, Mog seems more of a woof than Dolby. Both could be mafia, but Mog's replies to others makes me personally think that she's hiding something. I'd rather vote for her first over Dolby to be honest.
Well, looking at #88, it sort of tells me that Mog would want to eliminate Jacob very quickly. It's not incredibly obvious, but it sort of raises a red flag.

Obvious town (so far):
  • Yoshi
  • Annika
Obvious mafia (so far):
  • Zinnia
  • Mog
Still have to wait and see what the others have to say.

I agree with your stance on Trundle and Dolby; there's been some question marks regarding both. Yoshi seems doubtful to be a mafia member to me as nothing clear was shown to me thus far.

If I had to make a legitimate case of believing that Trundle may be mafia, post #204 might be a reason. It doesn't seem right to start a Mog wolf train without feeling personally confident about them being mafia in the first place. It's either you think they are or they're not. As for Frosty, I've already explained why I have my doubts about her being mafia. There's no sense to continue adding fuel to the fire when I've been agreeing with her latest decisions.

If anything, they should really become suspicious of Trundle. Yes, I still have my suspicions about Mog, but Trundle was the one who tried to get other users to jump on the elimination wagon, and sure enough, I joined it. I've yet to see more posts from Mog about the matter, as I would really like to lean my thoughts on them more toward the townie side.

You've got a legitimate point. Maybe we're taking Mog a bit too harshly, myself included. If anything, there are other users who've raised more red flags.

My current thoughts on some players:

Definitely town: Yoshi, Volt, Jacob, Frosty
In the middle: Dolby, Annika, Radical, Mog, Lily, Betsy
Definitely mafia: Trundle, Zinnia

Explained opinions
  • Trundle: My mind is so mixed on him at the moment, but I'm still leaning towards town and here's why:
    • Looking at his EOD1, I could tell he was starting to panic about the Zinnia votes. While I was fully convinced (and later proven wrong) that Zinnia was a wolf, I didn't want to suddenly jump on another bandwagon as quickly as I did with Mog previously. I personally didn't think Unravel's posts at the time was enough evidence for me to want to change my vote.
    • If anything, I think he's trying his best to maintain a good town read of himself, and simply wants to get reactions out of others. He'd honestly be more of a town read from others if it weren't for the EOD1 panicking. In my opinion, a wolf would rarely act so crazily like that.
he was too strange eod, ur screaming that zinnia was obvious town when it was not obvious
I mentioned very early in the game that zinnia was obvious town and that it was a distraction. Albeit a little indirect, but it's pretty obvious here that I was thinking the Zinnia discussion was a huge waste of time and a distraction:
Would you rather I sit around and talk about Zinnia for the entirety of day 1? I'm just exaggerating a hunch. From my POV, this is literally the best thing I could be doing right now, because it generates conversation. If I'm right about mog, then we get to see reactions and it makes later days easier to solve.

yet u only start a bus a little bit before eod when theres no time
I started sussing unravel shortly after they first posted, which was WAY before EOD. By the next time they posted it was probably about 16 hours left (just estimating because I cba to go find the posts) and I realized there was still no content from unravel, and to me it looked like she was trying to appear like she was contributing without actually contributing (imo this is the #1 indicator for mafia)
Feels like you’re just regurgitating reads to me

unravel hadnt (imo) done anything to warrant it at that stage
Explained above, unravel showed up, regurgitated reads, made a few irrelevant meta posts, and left. And then when she showed up again the next (IRL) day, she did the same thing. I have seen no content from unravel that makes me think they are actually trying to solve the game.

get to avoid sus by not being on that wagon and u also get to act all high and mighty
I have not avoided sus at all, in fact if I was avoiding sus, why would I so clearly gloat and act like an ape with the :lemon: emoji and tell detective to check me? As a town player I do not care who susses me, when or why, unless it specifically is helping me solve the game. Which is why when FrostyAlmonds, who I townlocked, voted me and asked my opinion on it, I replied "I don't care":
I don't care

ur gloating but rly u did the bare minimum to help
Not true, I even posted a full reads list D1, started my own wagon because I felt zinnia was town and ribbit was still null for me, and pushed my own wagon because it was suspicious to me that nobody else was picking up on unravel's lack of contribution.

u even backtracked a bit on unravel saying it would give no information if they flipped but if someone is a townlock
I did not backtrack, I literally stated a fact about how much information each flip would give us, irrespective of what role they flipped as. If unravel flipped, town or mafia, we would have literally no information from it - because they have been basically contributing nothing at all, and their posts were stale and boring regurgitated reads or meta posts.