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Mafia Among Us Mafia Game Thread (Town Win!)

It feels like you have most people in this game sussed in some way or another. I don't think anyone can take your reads seriously unless you narrow down on a specific group
Pfft. I do believe i have said my towns and susses, but yeah ig i should put it in a list. Here it us as of now. It may change depending on what happens. Because reads evolve as the game goes on. Will try to keep it updated in thread.


Lean townie-ish

Null/not enough info/ could go either way:

Possible wolfy:
Trundle (but not with ness maybe?)

Possible deepwolf

Mastermind in disguise maybe

Obviously, with 4 imposters, this can't be totally (at all) accurate. But it's just how i see things for now.
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betsy u do write a lot omg

Sorry! 😁
why would an experienced player check you? u were like..the only person universally TR. also i think its funny you included yourself in your possible mafia list though lol. idk if that was a slip
like maybe im overthinking it but like if ur town u know ur town obviously so why would you think of yourself as being possibly mafia???
Shiny iso - 0
Lily2816 - 1 unofficial post?
Yoshi - just not enough to read. Seems to favor no elim?

Couple things - the mogyay wagon seemed to kick off with trundle. Just a vague - mog's asleep, let's explore mog/maf. No reasons.
I don't like that it was jumped on by others, with no further reasons, just 'vibes'. I'm more inclined to sus the secondary jumpers. Especially with nothing to point at.

Also - and i can be very wrong sometimes (a lot), mogyay had a natural response i thought. And just to point out - if mog were maf, I think with 4 of them, the other 3 would have either defended, or pushed mog to come defend. ?

The whole mog wagon just seemed off. They could be maf, but I didnt see strong reasons for it at the time. I wouldn't vote mog as of now. Would more likely vote someone who jumped on the wagon.

And frosty- im keeping (ugh) blue. You can keep the wolfy dried blood color.
general consensus but continuality today

Only because at least 1 person has to wolf lean frosty. 😅

Fr, I'm still reading. I don't get the whole "maf afk" from zinnia/trundle. Every game I've been in, most maf was active from the start. Don't like ribbit being somewhat 'go with the flow' but - i like ribbit calling out odd zinnia post early on. Don't like tn4u jumping on the mog wagon within 2 minutes of trundle's post.

Annika no idea. Can seem wolfy but actually be town. Like where everyone thinks she's wolfy, but then she turns up town. So I'm nulling annika rn.

Volt - Townish. Maybe. No real wolfy pushes, seems similar to town volt. Haven't looked into unravel/radical6. Saving you and frosty for my last isos.

Several people - posted briefly, then dropped. I usually get the axe out for inactives, because I can't stand maf saving those slots to abuse late game. But I hate chopping them and they turn up town.

If i had to vote rn, probably zinnia or tn4u.
i remember wondering in the back of my mind whether you were mafia going with the flow or town mislead by dolby (doesn't mean anything to me today incase you're wondering)
Bring the tinfoil, lol.

Yeah but, it's Dan's game. We can't have no elim d1 in Dan's game. He'd be swearing up a storm in the graveyard. 😄

Dolby-i read through and i can't find anything really dirty. And I tried. The few things that were imo questionable -you addressed later. Ex- to zinnias post (chances are, the maf not online yet post) the response from you was to townlean.

I like jacob's response better.

Later i think you rethought the townlean for that?

I townlean you atm more because of the questioning you did over the initial annika town reads. And a couple other things.

Who could you see as a 4 wolf team fr?

Mine usually are! 😅

I think the combo could be useful. But agree, tracker is very useful.
dang i forgot who u said this to already i will come back to this when it lets me click on where u said it
I would think if mog/maf they'd either bus (so wagon jumpers =wolfy), or defend (didn't really see defense), or push mog to come do some self defense (didn't see that). Mog might be maf, I could be wrong, but that whole wagon thing just seemed too much piling on with not much reasoning.
didnt notice you had the same idea today about mog yday.
You want a different answer than who i said I'd vote for when you asked me last time? Cuz I'm still not thrilled with tn4u and the quick jumping on the wagon (sorry dude). You make a good case for ribbit, but I'll have to go through it all. I see how ribbot has some wolfy takes - however! Even tho I disagree with those takes, I've seen town with those same crappy no elim opinions (trent). It's the great debate that happens d1 and everyone gets sick of it.

I can kind of see where ribbit is coming from re the pr. I disagreed that 'cop is useless'. Just a bit more of a challenge with godfather/ framer. It's hard for me to tell if ribbit just has a defeated kind of outlook and depends on pr reports, or if it's more of a wolfy thing going on to push town to no elim and take the pressure off maf. It takes me forever to read thru and type, so I'll do it tomorrow. I always re-eval everything well before eod anyway.
do you have the same thoughts on tn4u today? he has barely posted, and i have yet to read his giant wall of text
At this point, it's possible for it to be anyone. Even dolby. But who I would vote for- the people I'm least comfortable with.

I did. I don't see much difference this game and last game. So I wouldn't vote volt rn. More on the light town lean because ig meta? Just doesn't seem to be pushing anyone or defending anyone overly much? Nothing outright wolfy. Meh. Volt is meh.
again there is good continuality which i think is what ness is honed in on
It's just names i wrote when i saw smth odd. I was surprised i ended up with more trundle. But it feels like I'm missing the forest for the trees?

I can see small things I'm not good with, but a lot of times that ends up being a townie with mistakes. I don't really see anyone 'steering the ship' much less a group of 4. I'm kinda crap at figuring these things out.
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What do you think about trundle?

I worry about voting my nulls because sometimes the nulls are nulls on purpose in pr games. It's frustrating.
okay im curious if u have a sheet from today?? 👀 (only reason mobile is better is for the emojis :'>)

Sure ribbit, go stand behind that wolfy imposter

didnt see a reason for ness before this
why did you fos him here?
From ness:

I agree. Appealing to someone else for vote verity is sus.

Oh look - ness/eod-

what was this in response to?? can't tell if this is your thoughts or pointing out ness' old thoughts or what
Psh. I'm feeling so weirded out by ribbit being the only other one to have issues with trundle eod. Like, seriously?

I've seen maf do exactly that - ask for det check when they know they're safe. Call out a tmi on the person going down. Nobody can be that confident. The bus comment. Since it was to ribbit, sure, could be a team and ribbit could be bussing. But eod was pretty quick. And ribbit was calling it out in real time. Meh.

The thing is - I've never seen town do all of those things at eod. Only wolves. I'm trying to keep an open mind and open eyes. But trundle was already wolfy to me. The eod didn't help.
i agreed at the time. but then mog and someone else who i forget? jumped onto it and made it look less viable. has nothing to do with you though
Bribe dolby to give up his partners. Just offer him an item...😆.

Im an idiot probably, because i dont see the mog thing. Maybe I'm just missing it. I could see dolby. Dunno on dino, possible. Would have to reread unravel.

Oh - no, that was an ex for something else entirely. Bad communication on my part.
I DO remember this i forgot
but mog seems to have been a tr the whole game for you
Oh, ok. I read the they as referring to maf both times, which made sense to me. As in they (maf) would vote other than zinnia, and they (maf) would point to those zinnia votes d2.

I could be reading it all wrong though.

Tbh I'm feeling totally crap at figuring all this out. None of my individual sus fit into teams.

Re shiny post above with trundle/annika/ness/ribbit.

I see ribbit and trundle as like, polar opposite, if that makes sense. As in- working against each other, not working together.

Ness seems fishy to me just in some statements. An example - saying i was pushing the wagons eod yesterday when i was doing the opposite, lol. Maybe he hadn't read thru the whole thing yet, or missed some things.

Annika i just can't read, esp after kingmaker. Annika can look incredibly wolfy, but it seems the meaningless posts (weh, lol) are just that - meaningless. I mean, i don't think wolf anyone would play that way?

I need to look at a few things rq.
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I think (hope) it was a town save last night.

I can't see maf not killing anyone, so when nobody was nk, I figured it may be a case of a lucky doc saving someone.

But ig it could be strategy.
i don't remember ness saying you were pushing the eod wagons, just getting on your own wagon
Nvmd on yoshi. Zinnia was gone anyway.
this interaction between us felt so real

idk ness you're gonna have to do your own iso if you want me to believe betsy is maf because i'm just not seeing it. worst thing was maybe both of your interactions together.
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re: quote was to ness. the betsy fos came before the ness fos
why would an experienced player check you? u were like..the only person universally TR. also i think its funny you included yourself in your possible mafia list though lol. idk if that was a slip

Because checking a universally town read player is a good slot to check and a valid move for cop to make, More than one person has already been throwing around my name lightly today for being a deep wolf lmao.

I'm including me because I literally said the statistic is a gamemaster pov and I'm not a new player, so I am objectively someone who fits this category. I love that you're calling this a slip and I want town to remember that you're calling me out for this post.
Phew, a lot to go through. It's quite hard to gather my thoughts and focus with the amount of posts being made. I'm honestly surprised that there were no killings.
>>>can't tell if this is a dumb town slip or a sneaky sentence he felt like adding
For those of you that mentioned my takes not being all that great, do keep in mind that this is still my first mafia game on TBT and I'm a bit excited to participate. I realize that some of my posts received mixed reactions, but now that we made it to D2, I wanted to make it clear that I'm trying not to rush my thoughts and and formulate some reads that a lot of you will hopefully agree with. I feel like I'm beginning to grasp a better understanding of the other users' habits at this point. Anyway, from what I could gather after the first couple hours into D2, I wanted to give my reads, with more to come (by the way, this post took way too long to make and I probably missed many of the newest posts; I'll get to them later):
Explained opinions
  • Trundle: My mind is so mixed on him at the moment, but I'm still leaning towards town and here's why:
    • Looking at his EOD1, I could tell he was starting to panic about the Zinnia votes. While I was fully convinced (and later proven wrong) that Zinnia was a wolf, I didn't want to suddenly jump on another bandwagon as quickly as I did with Mog previously. I personally didn't think Unravel's posts at the time was enough evidence for me to want to change my vote.
    • If anything, I think he's trying his best to maintain a good town read of himself, and simply wants to get reactions out of others. He'd honestly be more of a town read from others if it weren't for the EOD1 panicking. In my opinion, a wolf would rarely act so crazily like that.
  • annika: I'm mixed with her. From what I could tell, I think she is doing a very good job of maintaining composure and not letting others bother her groove, but there have been a couple D2 posts that made me question her legitimacy.
    • Post #808 is a good example. Why would she vote for someone solely because of someone else telling her to?
    • Earlier in post #782, she indirectly mentioned to Dolby that she doubted Trundle to be town, yet admitted in #808 that she went with Trundle's pushing for Unravel anyway.
    • In short, I can sort of sense that she's giving off slight wolf vibes, though I'm going to remain null of her for now.
>this take on annika is one of the only ones i agree with from him.
  • voltairenism: I've agreed with volt's take on Zinnia. They had every right to question Zinnia's quiet actions when Zinnia was still in the game; unfortunately, she did not flip red, so I'll have to look at their other reads. At this time, volt is slight town.
  • >>>what. I was the one who questioned zinnia being quiet. volt agreed. why do you tr them over me?
    • They mentioned Trundle being mafia because of his willingness to randomly push player votes. Post #548 brought up a valid point about Trundle possibly starting a wagon to eliminate the more active poster (Unravel over Zinnia). He began to panic when he realized not everyone was on board, and Zinnia was ultimately eliminated. Could this mean Trundle is actually mafia and Unravel is town? I'm not entirely sure because of my own thoughts on Trundle specifically, but volt gets my pass for valid possibility points.
    • N e s s: I'm going to lean somewhat null on him, maaaaybe more to the wolf side.
      • His point about the Ribbit ➡️ Zinnia wagon was very understandable (post #691). While my reasoning for joining the Zinnia wagon was more so due to my personal thoughts about Zinnia's posting in general (and volt highlighting it), I couldn't help but notice a post from Betsy that had me scratching my head (post #728). So, you mean to tell me that Ness originally didn't want to vote Unravel, but wanted to do so after the Zinnia ejection? I'm confused.
>because it looked like maf were hopping on it. starting to wonder if this whole thing is just based on skimming, which makes a lot more sense.

    • Oh, and post #727 is not how you want to prove you're town-aligned and not working with Betsy and Ribbot in disguise. You gotta do better than that.
>?????????????? what.
    • Off topic, but coming from an unfortunate victim of two rear-end accidents just over a month-long span this year, PLEASE do not text and drive. I don't want anything bad to happen to you or other drivers.
  • Obvious/not-so-strong opinions
    • BetsySundrop: They bring up valid points about Trundle, though I honestly cannot see their theory of Trundle and Ribbit working together (mentioned in post #862). They say Trundle is somewhat mafia, while Ribbit is town. I'm conflicted, and I'm null on Betsy as a result.
    • ribbitribbon: They are so up-and-down, it's sort of crazy. I personally could not follow their theory in posts #712, #716, and #756. They start off by saying Trundle is heavy mafia, then suddenly back down without proper explanation. I'm sort of leaning wolf on ribbit, and I don't know if I'll be able to change my mind.
>if you can reread today i did explain some more. but i would be happy to explain more to you. did you read #756 properly? if i fos mog and dino, it makes no sense to me to pair trundle with them as he wolfread the both of them.
    • ShinyDungeoneer: So far, we've mostly been on the same page in regards to their reads compared to mine. Post #735 brings up several valid points in their reads, such as ribbit's inconsistency, Trundle's unnecessary wagons, and Dolby's excellent posting. I'm trusting them so far.
> -____- ok. shiny is townie but idk how ur on the same page
    • mogyay: Looking back at their posts and giving them a good read over, I really do not understand why I was foolish enough to hop on the wagon when it occurred. Mog is pretty innocent in my eyes.
>agree based on her eod, but not her other content
    • unravel: It's understandable that their time zone prevents them from posting a lot; I still would like to see more reads from them in order to make me feel more confident in them.
    • FrostyAlmonds: I still view her as super town. She is very defensive, probably more so than what an average mafia member would comfortably act. While I am still unhappy that we can't be on the same page, I somewhat understand her reasonings behind her thoughts on me.
    • Dinosaur: Literally made the first post on D2, placing a random vote on D1. I'm not going to say they're a wolf solely because of that, but I'll need to see some action before I can fully trust them.
    • radical6: They have more posts than some of the others, but not enough to form an opinion on. I am going to lean more towards town as they clearly don't want to take a lot of risks at this time (post #540 mentions not wanting to vote ribbit out despite ribbit receiving a bulk of the blame), though I'm going to remain cautious.
>i initially tr radical but i'm not sure as of rn. but this is fine enough. rereading i agree with more of these than i thought.
    • lily2816: I honestly believe they are town. I would like to see more confirmation in regards to their own personal reads, but other than that, I wouldn't be suspicious.
    • Yoshi155: Very neutral-minded and up-front. As they are also new to mafia without posting a whole lot, I cannot formulate any proper read as of right now.
    • Dolby: I'm going to give him bonus points for doing a very good job of being up-front with the other users. While I do have questions about him in regards to how he actually reads certain posts (Betsy's notes being an example), I could definitely trust him as being a mediator for the town.
  • Ultimately, after Zinnia's ejection on N1, my reads of the potential mafia members right now would be as follows:
    • ribbitribbon
    • N e s s
    • annika
    • Dinosaur
  • I'll read more of the thread tomorrow.
this was too much to respond to separately so i did > to indicate I'm responding and >>> if it happens to be nested into the quote

fair enough post but some takes are wild
Because checking a universally town read player is a good slot to check and a valid move for cop to make, More than one person has already been throwing around my name lightly today for being a deep wolf lmao.

I'm including me because I literally said the statistic is a gamemaster pov and I'm not a new player, so I am objectively someone who fits this category. I love that you're calling this a slip and I want town to remember that you're calling me out for this post.
idk as a cop i would probably go for one of my nulls/mafleans but i understand your pov
yeah i know you were talking about daniel balancing teams, if you had just listed yourself as an experienced player id probably leave it. but its the "I fully believe there is at least one maf in you, me, Mog, Trundle, Radical, Ness (formerly Jacob), Unravel, Volt, Ribbit." its the i fully believe thing, i dont really see whyd you say that. thats different from listing yourself as a person to balance daniel's game.
Because checking a universally town read player is a good slot to check and a valid move for cop to make, More than one person has already been throwing around my name lightly today for being a deep wolf lmao.

I'm including me because I literally said the statistic is a gamemaster pov and I'm not a new player, so I am objectively someone who fits this category. I love that you're calling this a slip and I want town to remember that you're calling me out for this post.
i agree on this not being a slip, i was just stuck in tn4u big post and betsy iso to respond properly

is trundle putting himself in his own town list better radical?
idk as a cop i would probably go for one of my nulls/mafleans but i understand your pov
yeah i know you were talking about daniel balancing teams, if you had just listed yourself as an experienced player id probably leave it. but its the "I fully believe there is at least one maf in you, me, Mog, Trundle, Radical, Ness (formerly Jacob), Unravel, Volt, Ribbit." its the i fully believe thing, i dont really see whyd you say that. thats different from listing yourself as a person to balance daniel's game.
tbf I have done this before, usually when I'm reading town from the perspective of someone else, as town, to give them the benefit of the doubt. It's a little sus but doesn't seem to be worth chasing.
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is trundle putting himself in his own town list better radical?
yes lol
do you have the same thoughts on tn4u today? he has barely posted, and i have yet to read his giant wall of text

Yeah kinda. It just seems odd. The wall post is pretty good, but it's a lot different than d1. And seems to echo (?) what was already said by others.

okay im curious if u have a sheet from today?? 👀 (only reason mobile is better is for the emojis :'>)

I have tons! Pages and pages of "important notes" that are then scribbled through 5 minutes later because they don't work.

didnt see a reason for ness before this
why did you fos him here?

I though one of jacobs posts was really odd. (Early game, re annika). So when Ness came in to replace jacob i figured I'd poke to see what happened. Try to figure if it was just a Jacob thing or a wolfy slot.

idk ness you're gonna have to do your own iso if you want me to believe betsy is maf because i'm just not seeing it. worst thing was maybe both of your interactions together.

I end up in town tunnels, and i swear every game that it won't happen again, i will keep an open mind and avoid hard tunnels.

And yet, here i am.

Oh - a few of the pushing wagons or claiming to push things from ness.

I didn't think i was pushing wagons yesterday eod. I think i pushed back a tiny bit on the dolby/ribbit push. I questioned about trundle. I don't think i pushed or claimed to push a trundle wagon either. So it just weirds me out.
Just my surface level hunger deprived brain, it irks me how Betsy pushed all 3 of the major wagons forming yesterday. Hard to explain, might be wrong here.

Ngl I do be hating how Betsy keeps saying she pushed for Trundle and not one of the other options when she only voted 2 minutes before EoD. Kinda obvious that Trundle was never going to become a valid option at that point so it’s a little odd how she supposedly wanted Trundle dead that late rather than try and save any of the others if they weren’t valid options.

Also Betsy, you said you were going to vote TN4U/Ribbit/Zinnia a few hours before EoD, so I dunno why you have said I’m fishy for pointing out you didn’t push trundle as much as you claim you have
i agree on this not being a slip, i was just stuck in tn4u big post and betsy iso to respond properly

is trundle putting himself in his own town list better radical?
id say yeah idk if youre town youd include yourself in town numbers but its not like you would put yourself in your mafia list?

i understand a bit more after trundles reply though
It's crazy how little the unravel train of thought has picked up this entire game. Why are so many people hesitant to put suspicion on her?
It's crazy how little the unravel train of thought has picked up this entire game. Why are so many people hesitant to put suspicion on her?
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id say yeah idk if youre town youd include yourself in town numbers but its not like you would put yourself in your mafia list?

i understand a bit more after trundles reply though
ig it's just a difference of opinion then
idk as a cop i would probably go for one of my nulls/mafleans but i understand your pov
yeah i know you were talking about daniel balancing teams, if you had just listed yourself as an experienced player id probably leave it. but its the "I fully believe there is at least one maf in you, me, Mog, Trundle, Radical, Ness (formerly Jacob), Unravel, Volt, Ribbit." its the i fully believe thing, i dont really see whyd you say that. thats different from listing yourself as a person to balance daniel's game.

Because I think it's a biased post to leave me out, the end. I think I would have more people calling me out if I ignored me being one of these players, but you do you. Methinks my trap may have caught a wolf after all lmao. I hope not because that was too easy.

is trundle putting himself in his own town list better radical?
And I'm sad to leave now because I wanna talk with you so bad radical but I have IRL things to do so I'll try to chat a bit on phone. Don't worry tho, my big post is coming and I love that I could add this to it. 💕
Because I think it's a biased post to leave me out, the end. I think I would have more people calling me out if I ignored me being one of these players, but you do you. Methinks my trap may have caught a wolf after all lmao. I hope not because that was too easy.

i dont think it wouldve been odd if you had left yourself out? like when people make a reads post i dont really expect them to include themselves because its kinda self explanatory. thats why i saw nothing wrong with trundle putting himself in his town list