Animal Crossing App Compatible With NX?


Senior Member
Aug 16, 2015
Pikachu Easter Egg
Sakura Easter Egg
I recently read this article ( and it states that mobile apps will be compatible with the NX? If the new AC game is expected to be released on this new console, does that mean the upcoming animal crossing app will have a partial role in the actual new ac game? Will the app give us a sort of "hint" or information to speculate about the upcoming game? Actual quote:

"Also, reports about the Nintendo NX allowing smartphone titles to be played on the console is exciting to fans. Games like Militomo, Fire Emblem and Animal Crossing are reported to be available for Nintendo NX players."

Let me know what you guys think! I'm pretty pumped about this
oooh! i haven't heard anything like that elsewhere so it'll be interesting to see what eventuates!
especially the thing about streaming pc games??? because that's what the new xbox is going to be doing afaik
Nintendo is going crazy with the mobile section lately, so... (ugh, I can't forget yet the FantasyLife betrayal). I think the NX-Switch will have its own Animal Crossing sooner or later, but implementing the amiibo figurines and cards and etc, obviously.

The mobile thing is another different AC game, as far as I understood it. Will both be compatible with each other? Well, seeing how advanced the Switch seems to be, hybrid and all, it's believable to get some kind of mobile interaction I guess? But still, they'll remain as two different games.
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(ugh, I can't forget yet the FantasyLife betrayal)
is fantasy life2 still happening? its so weird since snack world will be mobile&3ds and main player base is 3ds and level5 has so much success with 3ds.. but oh well.. nevermind -__________-;

about the ac app.. idk let's wait till we know more.. it might just be puzzle league mobile.. :p
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The mobile thing is another different AC game, as far as I understood it. Will both be compatible with each other? Well, seeing how advanced the Switch seems to be, hybrid and all, it's believable to get some kind of mobile interaction I guess? But still, they'll remain as two different games.

This is what I thought would be happening, too.