• The first day of our new Mushroom Season event has passed, but things are just getting started. Read the update about changes made to the schedule, starting with day two. Be careful foraging and good luck!
  • Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

Animal Crossing Direct Discussion Thread

Edit: Sasha has a 50/50 chance of being either gender and in the amiibo cards, on some occasions, villagers of the same gender can be next to each other when ordered by number.
Also, the villagers are no always ordered by personality.

the theory you are talking about is only based on this current set, not on all the cards, so i don’t think anyone expects it to hold true for all of them.

As for Shino, it is easier, because she is wearing a women’s yukata, and her name ‘yoshino’ is clearly a woman’s name.

with Mitchell (Sasha) there is a little ambiguity, because it is a borrowed English name, which apparently can sometimes be used for girls. I personally think of it as a boy’s name though, but that may be because I am just too old to know any girl Mitchells.

at the end of the day, he’s pretty cute whether a boy or a girl. Just one more little surprise for the release.

on the Japanese sites and Japanese ac Twitter they are also having this discussion, fwiw. They seem to be leaning more toward male, because of both the name and the pattern of other villagers in this set, just like us.

also, I found this-
That picture is so cute. Now it's going to be my head canon that Francine and Chrissy adopted Sasha. I wonder if we're limited to 2 characters to be roommates for HHP. I now want all 3 to live together. lol
Wait, just a thought. But if we can call villagers and special characters to get coffee with....can we finally have coffee with Bewster?
Would be really cute if we could make the coffee for him as well.
I wonder if all of the NPCs could theoretically be called to come in, including those that are still not in the game officially, like Gracie and Digby. That would be interesting.
OK, now's the time to FINALLY share my thoughts on the new update trailer (without hitting enter on my keyboard too early this time :LOL:). This is a long one, so brace yourselves:
  • First off, let's get the sad news out of the way: this is the final major update for ACNH. When I heard that this was the end, my heart sank. We've gone from a trickle of new content over 7 weeks, two tiny droplets to cover 6 months, then a massive flood of EVERYTHING washing any hope of anything in future away in the space of a year, and the idea that they might have even unlocked events permanently so we don't get anything new next year, or that the Zelda and Splatoon amiibo aren't going to be supported after all when BOTW2/Splatoon 3 come out next year, or even the idea that a lot of NPCs will come back, but only as cameos in the Roost or as clients in HHP is kinda disenheartening, ngl. Unless there's some stuff that's TRULY meant to be a surprise (until it gets datamined, anyway), this is it. There's nothing new on the horizon. That kinda sucks, my dudes.
  • On the plus side, while this update is the last major one (read: probably the last going by what the JP website says, unless?) it's truly an impressive beastie of an update. There's stuff in the base game I'm still yet to do, I'm going to have fun with this one for a good while yet (until the next one happens, which on another slightly bittersweet plus side, is sooner than I expected)
  • OK, let's get down to the headline of this update, The Roost: liking the look of it in NH! It takes the best parts of the WW and NL ones (dark wood and a slightly old-fashioned atmosphere, windows) while also doing its own thing (nice pigeon-feather tiles, a slightly awkward counter layout, and FINALLY, COMFY CHAIRS) and we've also got the reason it took so long (it appears to potentially be the place where you meet the NPCs who have no role in the game? Maybe?) Like the fact it feels like a place where you can relax on your own, yet it's also the main social hub of the island and you can interact with friends or NPCs in their downtime. Kinda interested to see if you can work there or get any form of benefit from it from visiting it often, but as it is so far? Like it, like it a lot.
  • Kapp'n! Kapp'n's back! I really need to sort out my pier, then. I see they've had the same kind of idea I've had, in that he DOESN'T just take you to permanently summer islands, but islands in other seasons and times too. Bit less beneficial than just taking you to a summer island where you can just go fishing and bug catching and make LOADSABELLS, but ultimately handier this time around given there's seasonal crafting materials to get. Also, by the looks of things, plumeria and vines to climb! Exciting! On the other hand, bit disappointing there isn't a minigame island, especially considering there's different seasons and times of day to play around with, and I'm kinda worried that Kapp'n's life has turned into Shrunk or Lyle's given Leilani, Leila and Grams are absent... but overall, probably more interesting than going on NMT islands, I look forward to it!
  • Thought there was going to be some kind of city island... and it turned out to be Harv's :cry:. It's arguably better than his old campsite, given it isn't "hey, we locked new furniture behind new currency and amiibo!", and the design is quite nice, given there's a windpump, bunting and lots of little windmills, as well as the RVs that his English name's based around, but apart from Tortimer (who's got a NL-tier "uhh, what shall we make this character do exactly? I know, something totally random that doesn't quite suit them!" change of role there), Reece and Cyrus (who are doing EXACTLY what I thought they'd end up doing, which makes getting variants much easier... but I've got less things I can wishlist when I'm selling other stuff), Harriet (like the fact that Harv's crush on Harriet turned into something that's at the very least implied, but ditto) and Katrina (who appears to have returned from the Black Lodge, given she's speaking backwards now), it's... just permanent shops for the travelling vendor NPCs again? Are they permanently here now and the rest of the NPCs visit weekly, or are they still going to visit my island occasionally? If it's permanent it feels like a bit of a waste, given there's other NPCs who could have been put there. Gracie, Shrunk, Phineas, Wendell... instead it's just "hey, you don't need to wait for things to happen, they're all here!" I'm waiting for the update to drop to see if there's anything else to this, but at the moment it feels a bit "eh" imo
  • Back last year, thought it was a bit weird that they'd done a brand new version of the morning aerobics theme for the TV, especially given they've redone the TV channels and the cameos of GC-era music in NL are all gone now, but I speculated that they'd bring it back at some point. SOME POINT IS NOW, THEY FINALLY DID IT, THE UTTER MADLADS, AND YOU CAN ACTUALLY DO THE AEROBICS IRL IF YOU WANT TO. Copper not being there to do it's kinda disappointing, but other than that? IT'S BACK, BABY
  • So are ordinances? Didn't think this'd happen, given sure, you've got control of the island, but you're basically an architect rather than the mayor. Interested to see if we've been stuck in beautiful town this entire time or not, given this potentially means I can finally get rid of flowers easier by letting them die, and as someone who wakes up weirdly early a lot Early Bird's gonna be useful.
  • More exterior styles! Liking the log cabin and the Japanese castle one, the pointy one's not as nice. Hoping they've also added in some new walls, doors and roofing as well?
  • As someone who's got nearly 2400 slots in his storage filled up with junk, having it more than doubled is NICE. Paying for it, however, is going to be a nightmare. Goodbye, at least 15,000,000 bells of my money.
  • Ayy, the rest of the vegetables finally turned up! Wart Jr's about to have ancestral flashbacks, or he would if he lived on my island. Time to get rid of a good chunk of my pumpkins and build a proper farm somewhere, as well as redoing my kitchen a bit so I can actually cook in the damn thing, because we've also got cooking! Finally, I can make-a the pizza and there's something to do with sea bass other than "sell for peanuts"
  • Also excited to see that we've got some new interior features, like ceiling furniture (liking what's there so far, especially the fancy 1960s pendant light) and accent walls. Didn't think that accent walls would ever happen, but it makes sense that now we've got walls that aren't just flat textures, that have windows modelled in. On the minus side, doesn't look like we've got an option to put windows into walls that don't have them like that one trailer from the end of last year implied? Gonna have to play around with this one a bit, see what works with the walls I like to use and what the limits are.
  • I haven't used all my inclines and bridges, so I'm indifferent to the limit being upped to 10. Nice if you like it, tho.
  • I DO like the new fences, especially the park fence and the block fence, which reminds me of fences I've seen near where I live, and although I don't want the white picket fence that much, I'm glad the option's available. Now, a silver iron fence... that's what I want.
  • Finally, drone shots in Animal Crossing. This feature has the potential to do some really interesting shots in-game, and reminds me a lot of a e s t h e t i c shots of the GameCube game I used to see on Tumblr back in 2012, which is nice.
  • I like using Sable's patterns to customise stuff, but again, being able to wear it or make accent walls with it's just "eh, pretty nice I guess?" Not unwelcome, but also not WHOAH NICE FEATURE
  • I like the new hairstyles, and there's one that's just a fancier version of my IRL one that I'll inevitably try out for a bit, but a) it kinda sucks that Harriet's got a limited amount of hairstyles, and what she does ultimately runs into the same problem that Shrunk has in NL, where after a while the NPC is basically pointless, and b) no new hair colours either
  • I mention Shrunk's uselessness after a certain amount of time, but giving new reactions? Nice, they're good reactions. Not bringing him back to do them... not nice. Hahaha, unless?
  • Island 101... not really what I need, but then again I've been playing AC for 15 years at this point, I'm a seasoned veteran! Newcomers, tho... good idea for them.
  • New Nook Miles items, however? Including PWP items from New Leaf, potentially all of them? As well as brand new items like Japanese-style gazebos, and funfair items? YES. I also hope there's a shrine similar to the Japanese GC game's one or the wishing well, that'd be pretty neat.
  • Take note, "we made a fake QOL update" people, adding an outdoor shed and an ABD item into the game's how you make QOL features. They're handy features, but they're also not TOO handy to the point I don't have to do anything. Bit annoyed that the shed's not bundled into the wardrobes, given I've already got some outside, but still... handy.
  • As a rule of thumb, we only seem to get massive dumps of new K.K. songs once a decade, given how WW didn't add anything (outside of Japan, anyway) and LGTTC only added 5 songs, so I'm glad to see we're getting some here. Given recent events, bit awkward seeing Ankha dancing on the cover of K.K. Break, although I'm always up for K.K. trying out a bit of early 80s breakdance music. We've also got two genres of music from Hawaii and Brazil I'd never heard of before now, dancehall, dub, throat singing, hip-hop, classical, chillwave, a love song, VOCALOID and polka, which means K.K. is finally going into Weird Al territory. If they've also not secretly added the "you failed" songs, I'm going to be disappointed, given that also adds the WW title theme, city pop and doo-wop. Nice one, Totaka and co!
  • We also got music boxes back, and not just in shell form! Nice.
  • Gyroids are finally back, and simultaneously cuter and creepier than before! Cuter in they're adorable (and you can now put them on tables, which means they FINALLY got rid of their main problem) and also customisable, but creepier in that we now know how they spawn, and THEY GROW FROM FRAGMENTS WHEN THEY'RE WATERED. However, ignoring the horrific implications that we're being invaded by sentient funerary objects, I'm liking the variety of gyroids we've seen so far? The toy block one, the korok one, the ghosty one, the... uh... one that looks like something Harv, Pascal, K.K. and possibly Leif would use. I look forward to decorating with them!
  • New Nook's Cranny furniture! And going by various material surrounding this update, some of which I haven't gotten to mentioning yet, a LOT of new furniture. A streamer setup, the amazing machine, a new sofa with a triangular pattern and matching table, tv with vcr, the tokonoma and zen cupboard, some kind of SLR camera, FROGGY CHAIR... lots and lots of things. Again, look forward to decorating with them, but GAH I NEED TO REDECORATE, WHAT ABOUT THE ITEMS I HAVE THAT I LIKE, DAMMIT? Bit disappointing this isn't linked to another shop upgrade, unless?
  • Ladders! Not much to say other than "ladders, neat huh", but I like them! I could see someone doing a Donkey Kong island build with them, tho.
  • I'm also happy to see they've FINALLY added in the ability to scooch in between furniture properly now. This bodes well for my love of cluttered houses.
  • Also in the FINALLY stakes, villager house visits! Was worried for a while there that they weren't happening, so good to see them in there. I'm also hoping they've added some more stuff to do for/with villagers, like hide and seek (that apparently got datamined a while back?) because I feel a bit distanced from them sometimes, but just these three things are also nice additions.
  • OK, so we've gotten to the AAAA bit I started off with, so I'm just gonna say this: so, so glad they did HHD's sequel as an expansion to NH rather than a separate game, although I don't have as much to say than with every little thing in 2.0, so I'm gonna cover it with fewer bullet points.
  • Digby, Lyle, where are you? Why have you been replaced with a tiny monkey and a big manatee?
  • Again, lots of new items: soda bottles, wooden crates, plates of cookies, some kind of dresser, some Kallax style shelves, the owl clock, the ice cream case from the spa set, stair dresser... again, lots and lots of things!
  • There's a room size adjuster... that we can't use on our own homes. I'm REALLY hoping that there's an option to expand or contract our other rooms with Nook that they've simply not mentioned, but this is just hope more than anything. Kinda disappointing we can't do this, really? But then, there's always Harv's island.
  • However, partition walls and counters are going to make making an actual kitchen SO MUCH EASIER, because before it's always ended up looking kinda disappointing. Probably why I didn't like doing it in AC much until NH.
  • Ditto lighting, which gets rid of my entire "NH's interior lighting's really restrictive" complaint by giving us the ability to Phillips Hue our entire pad!
  • I'm less thrilled about soundscapes, although this is because I'm once again indifferent to them. Cool, I guess!
  • Nice to see that there's also a slightly easier way to get new furniture, although GRR NEW CURRENCY AGAIN
  • Finally, roommates. More specifically, finally, I can build CJ and Flick a home.
  • Don't like the completely empty workplace buildings, they look too new. Tbf, they probably ARE new given this is a new-build resort.
  • Being able to redevelop villager houses: on one hand, yay, once again villagers are entirely your playthings! On one hand, DEIRDRE AND NANA, WHAT DID THEY DO TO YOUR HOUSES? TIME TO REDO YOURS, FOR I AM THE GREAT MCRIBBIE LLWELLYN-BOWEN
  • Ooof, that NSO price raise is hell in America. Here in the UK, it seems more reasonable, but it's an equivalent price... which means that Switch games are ultimately pricier here despite seeming to cost less. I wanna play N64 games on the Switch, so I'm probably gonna get it tho?
  • Amiibo series 5 being 48 cards is also a bummer. Less "EVERYONE IS HERE", not even "YAY MORE NEW VILLAGERS", more "excluding crossover or promo villagers, we're down to 55 cut villagers now" which is less of a bad thing, but also not something I'm gonna run out into the street and cheer about? Also weird is NPCs who generally don't need new cards getting new ones but Gullivarr or Hippie Harriet not getting one, but there's one genuinely good thing about this: the illicit Raymond market's gonna crash
  • Overall? Despite a couple of gripes with various things and the general sadness I feel that it's going to be over this soon, I'm looking forward IMMENSELY to getting my hands on ACNH 2.0 (Now with Happy Home Designer!). I'm hoping there's some surprises left in the old dog yet, even 2-3 years into playing the game.
  • Anyway, as far as talking about new AC stuff goes... See you around 2025, then?
the theory you are talking about is only based on this current set, not on all the cards, so i don’t think anyone expects it to hold true for all of them.

As for Shino, it is easier, because she is wearing a women’s yukata, and her name ‘yoshino’ is clearly a woman’s name.

with Mitchell (Sasha) there is a little ambiguity, because it is a borrowed English name, which apparently can sometimes be used for girls. I personally think of it as a boy’s name though, but that may be because I am just too old to know any girl Mitchells.

at the end of the day, he’s pretty cute whether a boy or a girl. Just one more little surprise for the release.

on the Japanese sites and Japanese ac Twitter they are also having this discussion, fwiw. They seem to be leaning more toward male, because of both the name and the pattern of other villagers in this set, just like us.

also, I found this- View attachment 404824
Francine and Chrissy: *ssnnniiiffffttt* Ah, Sasha you smell so nice!
Sasha: Of course, it is my new shampoo Harriet ordered just for me. *poses pretty*
I don't know. The final update is cool and let's be honest, they only did updates because Nintendo couldn't finish the game due to covid. The game wasn't really meant to be a update based game in the first place like NL with the exception of the amiibo update to boost sales.
It would be really cool if we could use that roommate feature from the DLC to let villagers on the island room together... And potentially even open up room for more than 10. Gah, that's nothing but a pipe dream.
Anyone else going to wait up until midnight on the 4th? I have a feeling I won't be sleeping that night. XD
Remember to not start up the game at all on the 4th until after the update downloads, so you can see changes reflected in Nooks (and Able’s depending on your time zone) right away that night!
I might have misread and jumped the gun, but can we use NMT to hunt for the new villagers in lieu of waiting for the amiibo cards?
I seriously find it crazy they decided to throw Morning Aerobics in. It's like they were truly listening! It's probably so tiny in the grand scheme of things in their minds, lol
I seriously find it crazy they decided to throw Morning Aerobics in. It's like they were truly listening! It's probably so tiny in the grand scheme of things in their minds, lol
I love that they did, it may be small but it’s great to be able to do things with the villagers.
Several of the recipes shown in the Direct use lemons as pictured. What if this is one of the additional crops promised by the narrator (maybe found on a Kapp’n Island?). They also very noticeably never showed the desert tab, maybe to preserve the secret of additional fruits returning?
Several of the recipes shown in the Direct use lemons as pictured. What if this is one of the additional crops promised by the narrator (maybe found on a Kapp’n Island?). They also very noticeably never showed the desert tab, maybe to preserve the secret of additional fruits returning?

Mind posting a screen capture of this?