Animal Crossing: New Leaf Release Date Countdown

9 days and 23 hours until midnight of June 8th, which is June 9th. That's when downloaders can get the game. Which also happens to be the countdown I follow.
And it's may 30th for me, as its past midnight in my time

Woo! let's give it up for 239.91 hours! WOO!
..and only 1.43 weeks away, wow that seems so close!
365 Hours! Seems like a special number to post.

New leaf officially has less hours than days in a year until it launches in Australia :)
9 days, 15 hours! :) Sunday after this upcoming one either these forums will completely die for one day, or will be Alive and buzzing in the wee hours of the night xD from 12am to 12noon, assuming everyone's stores open between 10-12 on a sunday
Yay! I will charish this moment forever. xP We started from complaining about the release date on 2/14/13 to being super excited on the few days left. -w-
Yep, still 2 weeks for the UK!

Here's hoping that Amazon will deliver it early, with the guide to! ;)
I pre-ordered at the end of last year!
So I know I'll be getting a copy before most of my non-TBT and non-Natsume friends do!

It's the Doctor! xD I would not have noticed you if you hadn't meantioned Natsume xD I'm Tori over there lol

I can't wait 9 days -explodes-
7 Days
23 Hours
37 Minutes
until Animal Crossing: New Leaf releases in North America
It's still May here where I live.. but MAN I am SO STOCKED that it will finally be June!
Not only will I get the game, but also the japanese guide I ordered back in april [my aunt just kind of confirmed that she will be visiting us the second week of june].

I think it's time to do the "IT'S FINALLY JUNE" dance.