Animal Crossing: New Leaf Release Date Countdown

It is soon going to be 4 days left. I am going scream and explode.
I know how you feel I should go to sleep but I am instead trying....failing to make a town toon from a song with that cool melody maker because I am so excited. Haha ah well. Soon enough.
3 days 22 hours remaining

Only a few more days! It doesn't seem real.

I went to Walmart yesterday and saw NL posters and I got so excited. :D
3 days!!!!! Tomorrow is going to be the best. No work saturday Sleep in and happily wait the 1 day till new leaf. :D
I can't believe it. The fact that in just a few days, I will be playing New Leaf. :eek:
Omg cannot wait!! I'm having an awful day at work and the only thing getting me buy is thinking "soon ill have my happy place to escape to" man do I need it :)
Sunday Sunday Sunday
I got stuck working that day but I am taking off Monday in addition to my normal Tuesday off, so that made me feel better.
3 days. It is so close, it's to good to be true. Knowing my luck, something will happen to where I won't be able to get the game Sunday. I can just see it.