Animal Crossing: New Leaf Release Date Countdown

Hard to believe in about 25 hours from now I'll be STARTING MY OWN TOWN IN NEW LEAF! I have work at 5 AM for a few hours, then I'll be going to a couple garage sales with my Mom, go to lunch, take a nap, and then.... it'll be pester-the-walmart-employees time until midnight! :cool:
Hard to believe in about 25 hours from now I'll be STARTING MY OWN TOWN IN NEW LEAF!

Part of me wishes I was buying the digital copy so I could do the same. But I'll be patient and wait for my physical copy. I hope I don't break down and just go for the digital one. After all, Amazon hasn't shipped my physical one, so I can still cancel... ;)

It's now about 24 hours away for the North American digital copy release + the Eastern Time Zone physical release (for anyone who is buying at a store open at midnight). I hope you guys have fun with the game!
Excuse me while I listen to this for the next 24 hours until the game comes out! Best pump up music ever 8D
Gosh darn it! Today will be the LONGEST day ever I swear >_> especially with NOTHING to do! D: Then in the last few hours till midnight will be pure torture x-x Gah! TIME MOVE FASTER! /tries using mind powers but fails/ ;n; But in all seriousness. This wait is killing me >.<;;
11:40pm Friday. T minus 20 minutes until 12am Saturday. Then one more day

I can do this.
Today, I will pack all my stuff, sell my home to Nook, get on the train, and be prepared for a long train ride. I'm going to turn a new leaf and start my duty as mayor tomorrow.
It's 2:32am for me... I need to go to bed. The faster I go to bed, the faster the time goes >:3 even though I have to wake up early xD
If anyone got the digital Prima guide, it's up on the site now to look at. Something to do to pass the time if looking at spoilers doesn't bother you.

Edit: It does seem to have pictures of all of the items too. Nice.
OMG IT'S TOMORROW. I couldn't even sleep last night because today is the day before AC:NL!! Ugh I'm gonna be in for a rough time tonight.