Animal Crossing: New Leaf Release Date Countdown

I don't really have a firm release date as much. Since I'm getting my copy shipped from an online store in the US to Japan, I'm not 100% certain when I'll receive it now. Probably approximately a week after the US release date. Kinda annoying, but hey. I'm patient if I can have my English copy that I can completely understand. My Japanese is still not good enough for me to feel comfortable playing the JP version.
I probably won't be getting the game right away either; I don't even have a 3DS yet! I have to save up some money for it.
I probably won't be getting the game right away either; I don't even have a 3DS yet! I have to save up some money for it.

Five or ten bucks a week until June can go a long ways. If you don't currently have a job, it can be a little more difficult, but if you have a job, it's better to nickel and dime for a couple months.
That's awesome. That means all the release dates outside of Japan are in June if I'm understanding you correctly.

NA gets it june 9th
Eur/UK gets it june 14th
Aus gets it june 15th.

Once we get under 100 days is when it will be better. Because we will only be in the double digits then :>
Animal Crossing: New Leaf Countdown

To find the actual Animal Crossing: New Leaf Countdown timer, visit I did not create it. I just want to state that a countdown was not my original idea. Thank you for your understanding.
100 days to go in North America, and 105 days to go in Europe! We've got a while to wait yet.