Animal Crossing: New Leaf Release Date Countdown

I wasn't being rude. If I was, I would've said "well you're wrong because its 98 days according to mine, so WRONG." But I didn't. I was more confused and I stated my own countdown. Mine is set to June 9th at 11am when the shop near my house opens up. It still said 98 days. I'm not really following the part that says 98 days, 12 hours because No, I didn't see it. Dunno if it's because I'm on my phone or not, but I didn't see it.
The way you pointed it out was actually rude. As you can see, I'm not the only one who has 98 days.

I mistook you. I thought with the ">_>" face, you were telling me that I was wrong and was stupid not to change it. I understand now.
Whaaat? No! That's my "wait what? Really?" Face. I'm not a frequent poster here but farther along, you'll see I will use that face when I'm confused, along with "._."

If I had thought you were wrong and stupid not to change it, I just would've said it. Just like that, actually lol
Whaaat? No! That's my "wait what? Really?" Face. I'm not a frequent poster here but farther along, you'll see I will use that face when I'm confused, along with "._."

If I had thought you were wrong and stupid not to change it, I just would've said it. Just like that, actually lol

I see. Normally my friend uses a ">_<" or ">_>" face when she's annoyed at something. That's why I thought you were annoyed at me, and thought you were coming off as rude.

I will change it.
Good thing I am not that friend of yours, I am loviechu. nope, not annoyed, was just confused c:
It really, really bothers me that those countdowns aren't synced properly.

otherwise, it's a nice blog.
Well they are all made by different people. If there was a official Nintendo one it would be great. I wish they also had a app/program that send alerts when events happen.
If I may toot my own horn for a moment here, I believe mine is the most accurate. :p It's until midnight EST for NA and midnight UK time for EU as that is when the game will actually release based on past eShop retail games releases. Although it's technically off by an hour in the grand scheme right now due to Daylight Savings Time. Only a week to go for that.
The male blog is listed in
but there might be more. I been saving all the links I can. I wish I could use them all >,> I know where are a ton of girl dresses but I like the male stuff too. I want to make a Big Lebowski sweater if I don't see one already.
Oh ACking. I added you to my list. Kinda Random.

Thanks Justin. Now it says 97 days..hmm.....I can't waitttttttt!
14 weeks sounds like such a small number. xD then you think of it in days... O_O

*glares at calendar* MOVE FASTER.