Animal Crossing: New Leaf releases on June 9th in North America, June 14th in Europe

I don't think it's necessarily the member's faults that ACC is the way it is. I know there are people on both websites, and I don't want us to be coming off as jerks because I know that there are some nice people on ACC, and it's probably the majority.

The problem comes from the fact that the people who run the site are really inconsistent. On one hand, they censor everything that they deem offensive, and that can range from swearing at someone, to just pointing out that someone is incorrect. On the other hand, they completely ignore the things that actually cause flame wars. One of the big debates on there was the infamous Europe vs. NA debate, which we hardly got here. But on ACC if someone just mentioned their country a flame war would start out, and the mods would do absolutely nothing about it. The main page is also just constantly crowded with overdone topics, and the mods don't close any of them, nor do they attempt to merge or change them.

So the problem isn't so much that everyone on there is nasty. It's just the fact that the nasty people don't get punished, so they get to run their mouth off and make everyone else look bad.

All I was saying is that this board does not behave like the other in the aspect that most people here are pretty respectful. Mods or not, many members on ACC still do start mess just for the heck of it. Those are things I don't like.

Also I'm not saying it's all of them, because it isn't, I just don't want TBT to become so overwhelmed with douchebaggery that I have to filter through it every time I come on.

But I do agree that their mods super suck, and are probably the reason the members behave like d-bags.
A community is either as good as its members and staff. A good 70% of the members are not the type of people I would wifi in a game with; whether it be by annoyance, maturity, behavior, or other things. The staff is just as terrible. Of course, I'm not speaking upon the entirety of ACC, but a big majority of it that I've seen for myself. That being said, ACC isn't all bad, it's just TBT is a lot more to my preferred taste of people.
I am becoming increasingly disappointed with the community and staff on Animal Crossing Community, my previous site. From the community's position of "I want everything for free!" to the staff's absolute refusal to change, it is becoming ridiculous. I am not impressed with their assumption that everybody who plays the game is a child. Most of the people I have seen on the site are teenagers, yet they still will not let real-world discussions occur because of the handful of under-13 forum users on the site.

That's my opinion of that site. And honestly, it's not just the young people. I don't know what it is compared to this forum, but the members here tend to regard themselves with a bit more maturity and better behavior (with a few exceptions, of course)
I try to behavior as appropriately as possible online.

I don't tend to get into fights, use curse words, flame a person, or spam people online.

There is the rare chance that I do get into any fights but if I do get into any they are normally resolved by me and the person I am talking to within a day.
@oath- That is EXACTLY my issue with acc. The extent they take to censor simple reality makes me disgusted.
I don't think it's necessarily the member's faults that ACC is the way it is. I know there are people on both websites, and I don't want us to be coming off as jerks because I know that there are some nice people on ACC, and it's probably the majority.

The problem comes from the fact that the people who run the site are really inconsistent. On one hand, they censor everything that they deem offensive, and that can range from swearing at someone, to just pointing out that someone is incorrect. On the other hand, they completely ignore the things that actually cause flame wars. One of the big debates on there was the infamous Europe vs. NA debate, which we hardly got here. But on ACC if someone just mentioned their country a flame war would start out, and the mods would do absolutely nothing about it. The main page is also just constantly crowded with overdone topics, and the mods don't close any of them, nor do they attempt to merge or change them.

So the problem isn't so much that everyone on there is nasty. It's just the fact that the nasty people don't get punished, so they get to run their mouth off and make everyone else look bad.

Thank you! Ever since I found this board, I've been wondering why there was all this hate for ACC. It was the very first Animal Crossing site I joined when I first got into the series and started playing Wild World. Back then I found it extremely helpful and a wonderful community, so I've been so startled to find such animosity on here towards the site. I made some amazing friends and helped other members, although now I mostly stick to PTs. I do agree that a lot of the members on the board aren't the most mature, and a majority like to blow things way out of proportion. The mods definitely need to step it up. But honestly, that could happen to any community on the internet. Unfortunately, the internet is where idiots like to spend all their time, and some found their way to ACC. Just don't be so quick to bunch us all together and label everyone as immature children. There are still some good members on ACC, they're just hiding. :3
After not wanting the game anymore for 4 weeks, now I'm excited again! yay! :D
But... it is too early! I should have kept hating it more, now I'll have to wait :p
But I do agree that their mods super suck, and are probably the reason the members behave like d-bags.

I left ACC for here. Why? I stepped into a thread that had members ganging up on someone just because they refused to play with anyone who cheated in the game (TT or hacking etc) which is his prerogative as he is entitled to play with whoever he wants to, ad the members were really going to town on this poor kid (only in his early teens) and I told them to ignore him, not play with him if they think his opinion is stupid etc and I reported them to the mods too. The mods told me they could see why the kid was getting picked on as his point of view was stupid and they were right to be calling him names? eh lolwut???

Final straw was a girl telling me I was wrong to want the guidebook (despite me not getting internet access during the week after work, only on weekends so I needed the point of reference to hand) as I might drop it down the toilet and it was a waste of my money. I told her I wasn?t likely to be dropping it down the toilet and somehow the comment got reported and I got a warning for being aggressive towards members. So I replied to the warning telling them exactly what I thought and that the mods were far too young to be doing the job they had and were encouraging bullying blah blah blah. Changed my email address to a fake one which triggered a password reset (so I couldn?t ever access my account again) and left. I don?t want to know what they thought of my last email correspondence as I basically blasted them and told them they were not protecting vulnerable members by promoting the type of culture they were and giving a massive list of perpetrators. Wow they must have loved sharing that round themselves.

TLDR: Don?t bother, I?m only ranting!!!
I've been a member here since 2008 and never had a problem here, everyone is friendly :)
39 more days!

I'm getting out my drawing pads now!
Gonna try to draw something to past a-bit of the waiting time!
39 more days!

I'm getting out my drawing pads now!
Gonna try to draw something to past a-bit of the waiting time!

I started an AC drawing, adding a drawing a day. I need to find that, this was waaaay back near the beginning of the release date time. I drew a balloon present, pond, Nook, Blathers, Celeste, a tree, fruit, a fishing rod, blah blah blah I can't remember the rest!
I am disappointed right now...
I had New Leaf preordered today and the guy at BB said
You should be lucky you preordered it. It's an unpopular title. Generally if a game is unpopular we don't get any shipments in lest for preorders.
and I was so shocked when he told me the popular games were. One of them being GTAV.

Even if I did get the game preordered I'm still a bit disappointed about the fact that just because NL doesn't have weapons and mass destruction, it's not a popular title--at least around here that is.

/end rant.

A few more exams and I'll be ready for NL.
just have a friend that ask what was the appeal of Animal crossing...was so hard to put in words...he doesnt like life sims but I have a feeling if he gets into the game he would get it.
I always have such a hard time answering that question because the game has so many things.. I have to admit that I wasn't sure about it at first myself, but my friend talked me into it and it didn't take more than an hour to get totally sucked into it and.. Well now I'm totally obsessed! :D

just have a friend that ask what was the appeal of Animal crossing...was so hard to put in words...he doesnt like life sims but I have a feeling if he gets into the game he would get it.
I am disappointed right now...
I had New Leaf preordered today and the guy at BB said and I was so shocked when he told me the popular games were. One of them being GTAV.

Even if I did get the game preordered I'm still a bit disappointed about the fact that just because NL doesn't have weapons and mass destruction, it's not a popular title--at least around here that is.

Animal Crossing has never been popular outside of Japan. To be honest, I don't see other countries getting the crazy sales Japan got with this game. But I could end up surprised.

It's not a Mario or a Call of Duty or a Grand Theft Auto or a Madden or a Final Fantasy. Heck, it's not even as popular as The Sims. I'm not really sure why. I don't care for The Sims because it's too much like real life. Animal Crossing is still different from real life enough that it can be relaxing to me and lets me destress after work and such.