Animal Crossing: New Leaf releases on June 9th in North America, June 14th in Europe

Paid it off today and have the receipt sitting in my case.. now to wait out the 44 days and some hours until I can pick it up :)
42 days, 28 minutes...


Only 41 days 13 hours and 15 mins for midnight digital release!
I can't wait to come back in a few months and reminisce on all the impatience in here back from the 100's days lol
I just hope it isn't a bunch of the kids from ACC or something.

Also, 41 days!

we've already had one kiddie from acc whom i hate because of their general ignorance find their way over here, i hope no one else does >.<
What is so bad about people from ACC? I'm ignorant to the subject so please do fill me in ha.

So excited for this game and the beautiful 3ds xl and figurine I shall be getting with it. My boyfriend is buying me some ADORABLE animal crossing plushies too. So much cuteness. <3
ACC just has a huge portion of it made up of arrogant kids who think they know it all just because they did a quick google search. Or they base their info from other AC games instead of actually bothering to ask or even look for actual, up to date information.
Now, not everyone from their is like that, but even some of the adults over there think they know better just because they've never had a certain problem or just because they're "older" makes them correct.
There are a few good people there though. I silently hope the good ones find their way here <_>

I think I have enough ACNL stuff for now xD
What is so bad about people from ACC? I'm ignorant to the subject so please do fill me in ha.

So excited for this game and the beautiful 3ds xl and figurine I shall be getting with it. My boyfriend is buying me some ADORABLE animal crossing plushies too. So much cuteness. <3

They are more strict on censoring things, the general community seems to be pretty awful(both with arguments online and reports of hackers in AC games). There's probably more, and they are generally slower at getting information, like yesterday I saw a thread was recently posted about tree trunk designs and everyone freaked out and had no idea until that moment.

But, I don't really want to judge them, some of them I'm sure are really friendly.
ACC just has a huge portion of it made up of arrogant kids who think they know it all just because they did a quick google search. Or they base their info from other AC games instead of actually bothering to ask or even look for actual, up to date information.
Now, not everyone from their is like that, but even some of the adults over there think they know better just because they've never had a certain problem or just because they're "older" makes them correct.
There are a few good people there though. I silently hope the good ones find their way here <_>

I think I have enough ACNL stuff for now xD

I actually have to admit to having found this forum from ACC, and don't personally class myself as some arrogant kid. >_<
Notice how I said a "huge portion, not all."
And "Now, not everyone from there is like that"
I actually have to admit to having found this forum from ACC, and don't personally class myself as some arrogant kid. >_<

Not all of them are, but for the most part they come in and are like **** YEAH ****ING ANIMALS AND **** I WOULD *** AND **** AND **** AND **** and it goes on and on.

It's like watching Dane Cook. It was funny the first time, and I was a bit younger, and now I just want to throw him off a cliff. That's what a lot of ACC is.
I don't think it's necessarily the member's faults that ACC is the way it is. I know there are people on both websites, and I don't want us to be coming off as jerks because I know that there are some nice people on ACC, and it's probably the majority.

The problem comes from the fact that the people who run the site are really inconsistent. On one hand, they censor everything that they deem offensive, and that can range from swearing at someone, to just pointing out that someone is incorrect. On the other hand, they completely ignore the things that actually cause flame wars. One of the big debates on there was the infamous Europe vs. NA debate, which we hardly got here. But on ACC if someone just mentioned their country a flame war would start out, and the mods would do absolutely nothing about it. The main page is also just constantly crowded with overdone topics, and the mods don't close any of them, nor do they attempt to merge or change them.

So the problem isn't so much that everyone on there is nasty. It's just the fact that the nasty people don't get punished, so they get to run their mouth off and make everyone else look bad.