Animal Crossing Villager Elimination Game [7] - Winner Announced!

I think this is the first time all the combatants have been at equal points since the start of the battle.

Kiki - 50 (+5)
Lolly - 50
Poppy - 50 (-5)
Fixing the previous error while adding my own vote.

Kiki - 50 (+5)
Lolly - 50
Poppy - 50 (-5)
Kiki - 55 (+5)
Lolly - 50
Poppy - 45 (-5)
Kiki - 50 (-5)
Lolly - 50
Poppy - 50 (+5)

Also, MapleSilver - I remember a while back you wanted to do a round featuring previous winners; would you be interested in that after this game is over?
Kiki - 55 (+5)
Lolly - 50
Poppy - 45 (-5)
I forgot about doing that but I would be interested in a round like that. We'll see who gets to be the true winner after this.

Kiki - 60 (+5)
Lolly - 50
Poppy - 40 (-5)