Auction Ankha auction has ended early due to buyout.

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Yes, the auction ends tomorrow at 2pm est.
Get yer bids in people o:!
Ankha has been bought out on behalf of Vanillabeth courtesy of Chickedee. :D

Therefore, only need to receive the orignal bid of 10m on Vanillabeth's behalf from you esweeeny
The rest I will receive from chickedee
Vanillabeth- you have some awesome friends! <: Congratulations!!
OMG WOW TYSM CHICKDEE!!!!! I can't pick her up for 5-6 and a half hours xD

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Wait maybe I can in 20 min
O:!!! I was just about to PM you lol
but add my alt fc that is in my siggy please that is where she will be :D

I am available until 2pm est tomorrow @_@
Congrats to Vanillabeth and thanks to esweeny..
Hope Ankha will enjoy living in your town.
Thanks too to x-kei for being trustworthy and courteous too.. Hope you all have great days playing..cheers.
Hello! Tysm! We are currently coming home, should be 30-40min

Francine will need to picked up by Eswenny first tho ^^
Sounds good to meeee I really neeeeeeddddd to sleep lol. 5:53am @_@
Lemme know when you're ready and remember to add the alt FC not my main one o:

Also! Thank you chickedee for your kind words. :)
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That was nice! <3

I am going to hold for her tho

Get some sleep we can meet for the next 4 hours probably :3

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It's 9pm here xD
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